Chapter 33

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Warning: smut

Remus arrived at the Hospital Wing. He didn't even bother trying to find Pomfrey to ask her if he could see Severus, he already knew because he was granted permission to do so. One night, he reminded himself. One night and Severus gets released. He grinned as he abruptly opened the curtains. Severus yelped and quickly draped his book over his lap, then glared at Remus.

"Oh, is my adorable boyfriend scared?" Severus huffed in annoyance and wrapped his arms around his waist. To Remus' surprise, the boy was actually blushing near red.

"Are you alright? You look a bit flushed." He glared harder and shrugged his shoulders. That's when Remus knew he'd done something.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked in a gentle tone.

"No," Severus said, voice cracking in the middle which was unlike him, "can you please....just- return later? I, er-" He shot him a knowing look, but Remus didn't understand what he was trying to say.

"I know I came a bit earlier than expected but do I really need to go? You don"t have anything to do anyway," He countered back. Why did Severus have such trouble with him being there all of the sudden? He ignored the protests and sat down on the edge of the bed, extending his hand to pluck the book he was reading. The cover was entirely black as if glamour was applied to it. Just when he was about to remove the book from his lap, Severus quickly held it in place with all the strength he had.

"No!" He shrieked. Remus' eyes went wide at the quick temper.

"Darling. What's wrong? I just want to know what you're reading." Severus still held the iron grip on the book. It was quiet for over a minute, both frozen in place and Severus shifting in his place. Eventually, Severus forgot to keep it tight and Remus grabbed it as fast as he could. Severus was too slow to notice and Remus gasped. Right where his eyes were, looking at Severus' lap with a large bulge that could be nothing else than an erection. Severus appeared mortified and hid his face in his hands.

"Fuck, Remus. Don't do that." It was hard to understand but Remus figured out the words fast enough as Severus drew up his knees to his chest to hide his erection.

"Was the book that interesting?" He said nothing so Remus removed the glamour, smirking as he saw the cover of two naked men.

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow even though the Slytherin couldn't see it, "How naughty. Didn't know you liked this, Sev." He was amazed at the red blush worsening and he snickered lightly as Severus continued to mumble unintelligently. 

He knew it was a bold move, but he absolutely couldn't help himself when he set down the book and leaned forward, supporting himself with his hands and half hovering above Severus. He got close enough for his untamable hair to brush against Severus' temple who was visibly shaking from anticipation. Remus brought his lips next to his right ear, breath ghosting over the shell and chuckling softly.

"You like this as well? Sev, is it possible that our innocent Slytherin wants more?" Severus stayed quiet although he slowly lowered his legs again, seemingly less shy with Remus acting this way. It was when Remus made the next move, his hand on Severus' chest, fingers splayed and slowly caressing that his breath hitched.

"Remus," Severus growled as a warning. Remus made circles with his fingers and gently pushed on his chest. He gladly obeyed and let himself be pushed down with his back on the mattress by Remus.

"If at any point you want to stop, just say so," He whispered. Remus watched emotions cross Severus' face. Confusion at first but it slowly went over to the look he gave when figuring something out and his lips parted to let out a small; 'oh'. Remus smiled and softly nibbled his earlobe, causing Severus' body to let out a jerk.

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