05. Psycho Lover

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Ruie Orion

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Ruie Orion

                 Does she smile?

           Or does she mouth, "Fuck you forever"?

"You like my dress babe? Wore it just for you, I know you always loved the color yellow."

Her voice was loud and upbeat.

She sounded excited.


"Oh yes, I know you don't take any sugar for your tea darling."

I was standing outside Carolina Barret's apartment door.

I couldn't believe I was standing outside Carolina Barret's apartment door.

Eavesdropping is bad I know but I couldn't help myself.

She lived on the 3rd floor, the elevator being out of order, I had to take the stairs.

Carolina was known about.

After Lisa's death, she refused to talk about the incident.

She repeatedly denied it.

That being recordings of her 50 years ago from now, saying "she's not dead," over and over again.

People thought, she was just having a hard time. After all, Lisa was her sister. She'd get over it sooner than later. But I have a feeling she never did.

I take in a sharp breath hesitantly bringing my hand up to knock on the door.

And when I did, all the chattering seemed to stop. There was a pause.

I knock on the door again, and this time it opened, revealing Carolina, almost like an portal to the past.

She wore a yellow dress that went past her knees, she had crinkles by her eyes that were even more noticeable with the huge grin on her face. She looked small, smaller than me, her back hunched and hair that didn't go past her shoulders.

"Hello, sweetie, can I help you?" She asked.

I gulp and give her a small smile.

"I'm Ruie, you must be Carolina-"

"Oh call me Carole," she waves her hands at me.


Before I could say anything more a timer goes off.

"Oh that must be the cookies," she exclaims as she ushers me in, "come in sweetheart, there's far too plenty for this old woman to eat alone."

I take the opportunity and invite myself into the cozy house.

It was filled with dozens of antiques, pictures, flowers, and dolls. All over the house.

A small box tv and an old cd player. It's like the place never moved on with time.

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