ch 6

63 2 0

After taking a nap, I went into the barracks to find my blanket, so I could see it before I used my meagre wage to buy some fabrics to make a new one. I pulled out my spheres for illumination, but they were all dun. Weird. Well I guess I'm not getting a last look at the blanket.

Walking to the fabric store, I realized how in damnation am I walking, I just got shot in the leg. Oh, whatever.

I put my guard up and looked around, not wanting a repeat of what happened before with that soldier. Well the excuse of a soldier.

Looking around for possible threats, scanning the crowds. Seeing lots of people that could be suspicious, but I just kept walking. Most of the people in the market where Alethi but there where a few people who looked Veden and Thaylen and a significant amount of the merchants where herdazien. One guy who looked like he was from herdaz caught my eye, he wasn't a soldier or a merchant. He looked familiar but where have a seen him before. Walking up to him a memory so close and once he turned his head I knew exactly where I remembered him from.

He was the boy bullying the kid back it herdaz the one who messed up my hole life.

I walked up to the boy. Just to make sure

This was the right person I had to talk to him and somehow slip gangs into the conversation as he was the son of a well known gangster. "Hey" I said, not really knowing what to say after that "hello?" He replied. "You look familiar, did you live in herdaz a year or so ago?" I asked "yea I did, you look familiar too where you part of the red diamonds?" he replied.

So he was the same boy who got me into this mess, well let's get some revenge "I was about to join but had to leave... is there any chance I could join now?" I said. He looked at me, questioning what he should say. "Come with me" he said pulling my wrist and "walking" towards some bar in a more secluded part of the market.

"By the way what's your name"I asked "Achlys, means darkness" suits him "Ember means embers from fires" I said he laughed a bit at that.

He pulled me into the bar, then led me to a private section. Looking around the room I saw two Alethi one female with hair cut short and the other was a male with long hair in a braid, they were both in their mid 20s. One Thaylen with eyebrows curled and a long bob she looked 30 and the last person on the room looked azish he sat next to the alethi woman. He and not particularly pleasant looking with a scar running from his left eye down and to under his shirt.

They didn't introduce themselves, clearly not wanting to let others know who they were. So since they weren't doing anything I looked at Achlys he took the look and said "This is ember she wants to join the red diamonds" I looked around most of them looked at me checking me out (not like That). Then the guy with the scar said "what use is she to me?" I looked him in the eye and said "I can be a spy for anyone you want" he looked at me and seemed interested

"I need you to infiltrate the ghost bloods you will probably let you in if you tell the right lies" oh shoot I didn't mean to do this "um, okay but where can I find them?" I asked "two blocks east and four North they will be in a bar in a soulcast building with a red door" the man said then told me to get going.

After way too much walking, especially on my "hurt" leg, I got to the building. Walking in, I tried to not get noticed, staying not the shadowed parts. Examining the bar, I walked up to the counter where they were selling liquor and asked for some orange wine. Taking the wine and walking back to the spot I was in before I realized someone was watching me, I walked up to him. It was a thalen man watching me, with black hair short and eyebrows tucked behind his ears. "What do you want?" I asked with a tad of hostility in my voice he seemed shocked that I was there.

Did he not notice me coming up to him?

Shoot, was he not watching me!

"You cat, I looked away for a second, how did you get here?" He said. "Magicians don't tell their secrets" I said with an evil smirk. "Now let me get to the point, I want to join," I stated. "Fine" he said. Wait, that easy, no way that they would just let me in. "Just kidding, I don't have that authority. Come" he said and started walking away. Running after him, we walked into a sectioned off room. He pushed me in and said "she wants to join, plus she walks like a cat" than walked away.

This time there were 4 people in the room, two men, one female and one I couldn't distinguish with their hood. They were all alethi expect one of the men he looked like he was from the pure lake.

I didn't know what to do, so I just stood, "nice weather... so can I join?" I asked. "I can spy on people if you need that type of thing, I also can help with blackmailing" are they gonna respond? "Why?" The woman asked, "why do you want to join?" Responding I said "well the red diamonds kinda ruined my life and long story short made me part of the bridge crews" I looked around for a reaction but finding none

"well just in time we needed a spy for them, do this job, and we'll let you in" the hooded figure said "great, so you just want me to tell you what their planning and stuff right?" I asked. "Yes, now you have a week to report back," the hooded figure said. After agreeing to other terms I left.

Finally, I got the fabric that I needed to make my blanket. I was going to make a very large blanket, so I could roll up in it, and it was going to be soooooo fluffy. Since the woman selling me the fabric thread and needle saw how I was a part of the bridge crews she put a little stuffy in the fabric without me noticing.

Once I got back, I realized it was too late for dinner, but rock's stew hadn't finished cooking. "Hey, you making something?" Rock asked in his accented voice, "yea it gonna be a blanket" I said. Then sat down on one of the logs hemming the edges and talking with rock.

"That little bear is cute, did you make it ember" kaladin said as he sat down with teft. "What bear?" I replied "that one" kal said pointing at a little bear in the same fabric as the blanket but In soft blue. "I didn't make that, the merchant who sold me the fabric must have given me it, how kind" I said remembering to tip them the text time I went back.

Eventually, more people came down for the stew, but I had already eaten my portion.

Finishing the blanket, I got up and wrapped it around me like a cape and picking up the bear and holding it to myself. I felt people's eyes on me, "what? Why are you looking at me?" I said "sorry Emmy, but you just look so cute and comfy" the lopen said. Some other bridge men agreed. "Whatever" I said trying to get off the topic.

"do you want one?" I said. "OoooOo I'd love, one how much?" The lopen asked "the fabric costs 2 clear marks, but I want some money so 3 clear marks for a blanket" I explained. "Anyone want one?" I asked, most of the bridge men wanted one, which was 24 blankets. The only people who didn't want one was moash and relain because he didn't make a wadge, but I'm still going to make some for them because theirs a buy whatever number get one free thing.

Tomorrow I'll do everything tomorrow I thought and fell asleep on the log.

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