it's okay, i'm lost too

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[authors note: please comment/like if you enjoy this first chapter! thank youuu also i drew this picture of spamton hghfbghgh]


tea could hardly remember the last time they'd been in the lightner world. sometimes they'd try really hard to think about it, closing their eyes and going quiet— all that resulted in was blurry colors and streaks that didn't mean much of anything to tea anymore.

what had happened was lost entirely in the depths of their troubled mind. they didn't remember all the nights that they passed out in the library with a stack of books in front of them on the table. they didn't remember skimming each and every shelf of the library's limited collection of books in hopes of finding something about a different town and the benefits of living there. they didn't remember stumbling across the computer lab and accidentally falling asleep in there instead of their usual spot.

they didn't remember how they'd gotten to the darkner world, or how to leave it. but why would they want to know? this was better than what they'd had before.

tea leaned his head against the cool brick wall behind his back. he let out a slow breath, allowing his eyes to close. today was so dull. usually they'd wander around and see if there was anything new in the cyber fields, or how those strange robot kids were doing. but none of that seemed appealing to them today.

suddenly a light rain began to fall. tea felt the misty droplets on his face and groaned in annoyance, getting to his feet reluctantly. they really could have just sat there and daydreamed for who knows how long, but they didn't want to get wet. tea fixed the collar of his coat and headed down the alleyway entrance he was nearest to.

traffic was somewhat slow today, tea noticed, as they didn't hear as much honking and screeching as they were accustomed to. just the distant hum of what little cars were out right now. they hoped that the rain wouldn't get any worse before they could get somewhere dry.


tea had grown a bit uncomfortable when he realized that none of the usual shortcuts he took in the alleyways looked right. maybe it was just his imagination, but... tea had to admit, he was a little scared. he wrapped his jacket tighter around his body and tried not to outwardly panic.

"ah, so..." tea murmured, talking to themselves in an attempt to clear the thoughts in their head. "i should— take a left this time... or. wait. have i already gone that way?"

they went quiet for a long while after that. oh dear. this wasn't at all what they'd planned on happening today. tea tried their best not to get upset, but standing in the middle of a four-way intersection somewhere deep in the alleyway system— seriously, they didn't even know it went on this far!— they couldn't help but feel... vulnerable. afraid.

there was suddenly a rustling noise behind them. tea gasped, whirling around and nearly losing their footing. they backed themselves into a couple trashcans accidentally, yelping when they bumped into them and they made a noise.

"hello?" tea called out, his voice sounding meek and small. idiot. why did he say anything?! he should have just picked a path and ran away! tea hugged their arms tight across their chest, their eyes wide as they scanned the area for what could've possibly made that sound.

it happened again, closer this time. tea's eyes darted towards the dumpster several feet away in front of them. they furrowed their brow, confusion combining with their fear, as they cautiously approached the dumpster. they soon stood directly in front of it, trying to breathe through their mouth so they'd be slightly less affected by the horrible smell emitting from the dumpster.

you're my home // spamton x self insert Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt