A Date

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A/N- This book will be getting an exclusive chapter continuation of the date! only on wattpad!


Skid and Pump had fallen asleep on Skid's bed while playing video games, Skid was still dead asleep when Pump woke up. Skid had fallen asleep with one wing wrapped around Pump, kinda like he was cuddling him the night before, though that was just how he sleeps, he likes to hold onto things or people and be able to snuggle them. That would explain why he has a bunch of stuffed toys strone about, that of which Pump had just noticed. Pump slowly got down from the bed, as not to wake Skid, and made his way downstairs where he was greeted by Lila standing in the Kitchen, smiling.

" Good morning, Pump! Sleep well? " She'd ask as she continued on with cooking what Pump assumed was bacon. " Yeah... did you? " Pump looked closer at what Lila was doing. Obviously, she was making breakfast. What did Pump expect? Nothing. That's what.

" I did too! Oh- is Skid awake? " Lila was draining the grease pan. " No, he is still sleeping. " Pump walked closer to Lila. " ... do you mind waking him up for me? " Lila asked. "Sure..." Pump went back upstairs to Skid.

Pump gently shook Skid awake. " ... Hey. Skid. " Skid didn't wake up. Pump was a little frustrated and shook Skid harder. " SKID! " Skid slowly got up and looked down at Pump. " Oh- Good morning Pump! " Skid smiled and hugged Pump. "... Morning. " Skid's energy has returned to him. " Did you sleep good? " Pump asked his ... well - Boyfriend? Maybe. He didn't even know anymore. " Yeah! Did you? " Skid tilted his head. Pump wasn't gonna lie- he slept rather well. " Yeah- I did." Skid smiled. " That's great! " " ... yeah." Pump tapped his foot on the ground. " Your mom needs you for breakfast..." " Oh! Ok! Let's go then! " Skid got up and grabbed Pump's arm and started running downstairs with him, Pump struggled to keep up.

" Morning momma! " Skid called to his mom once he got downstairs. " Morning Skid! " Lila smiled at her son while she set the table. " Take what you boys want, I have work to do. " Lila walked to the door and grabbed her purse. " Ok! Bye momma! " " Bye miss Lila..." Lila opened the door and walked out. " Bye boys! " Lila closed the door behind her and left.

"... Wanna go on that date we talked about? " Skid walked to the table and sat down, Pump sat in front of him. " Sure... " Pump would mumble as he made his food. He didn't really have money to spend at the stores... " Ok! " Skid smiled and went to get his own food. "... Can we go to a pumpkin patch? " Pump asked, looking up at Skid. " Sure! It'll be super fun! " Skid's smile never left. It was cute. " Yeah... " Pump returned Skid's happy smile with a smile of his own.

The two ate their breakfast and spoke of things they like to do and people they like to be around. After they finished their food, Skid took the dishes to the sink. " So- wanna go now? " Skid asked. " Sure.." Pump got out of his chair and Skid walked over, Skid had a few 10 dollar bills, three of them. " My momma left this on the counter if you wanted to get anything. " Skid smiled, taking Pump's hand in his. " O-oh- Ok- " Pump barely got to respond before Skid took him out the house and closed the door. Skid was walking with Pump to the Pumpkin patch down the road. On the way there, they ran into the Hatzgang. A gang of Sela ranks who thought they were the best people in the world. Other than Roy. Roy was a Trimark rank. Still a stuck up brat in Skid's opinion.

" Hey loser...wait. Why are there two of you? " Roy seemed annoyed. " ... Cause I'm going on a date. Now get lost. " Skid tried to walk around the gang but Roy yanked him back by the wing and made him shriek in pain. " Let go of me! " Skid screamed as Roy tightened his grip on the child's wing. " Why would someone go on a date with a dumb baby like you?! " Roy pulled Skid to make Skid face him. " 'Cause they ain't dumb enough to date an ugly fat bully like you! " That comment earned Skid a punch in the face. " Shut up, loser! " Roy yelled. " Leave him alone! " Pump kicked Roy in the leg. " Who are you? " Roy asked the Pumpkin child as Robert and Ross picked Pump up by the arms. " Skid's friend! Now screw off! We don't have time for you stupid bullies! " Pump yelled as he kicked around, trying to make the taller boys put him down. "... Y'all dumb babies are a waste of air and space. I'll be back for you losers later. " Roy threw Skid onto the floor and Ross and Robert dropped Pump. The three bullies walked off.

" ... Who are those kids? " Pump asked as he and Skid got up to continue to their destination. " The hatzgang. Just a bunch of bullies. Anyways, Lets just go. I don't want the hatzgang to ruin today's date. " Skid brushed off his wings, spreading them to their full wingspan. " We should fly there. It'll be quicker. " Skid grabbed Pump, holding him from his waist, he flew up while holding Pump close so he didn't drop him. Pump wasn't used to this yet so he held onto Skid super tight.

" Relax Pump. I won't drop you! I promise! " Skid smiled, holding Pump even tighter so he didn't fall. " But what if you do- " Pump began to speak but Skid stopped him. " I won't. I swear. " Skid's confident smile calmed Pump. Pump closed his eyes and listened to the kid above him talking about whatever it was he wanted to talk about. It has been two days now, Pump wasn't necessarily in love with Skid, but he was more comfortable around him now. Skid was hyper and kinda cute. Maybe one day Pump will come to love Skid. One day. Hopefully

Pump was snapped out of his thoughts when Skid landed in front of the pumpkin patch. " We're here! " Skid continued to carry Pump in his arms. Pump held tight onto Skid still, he opened his eyes to look around. The patch was full of different colored pumpkins, beautiful shades of reds, oranges and whites filled the patch with few yellows scattered about. Skid carried Pump to one of the larger pumpkins and put him on it. Pump looked at Skid in his eyes, Skid had cute black eyes. " So, what do you wanna do first? " Skid asked, grabbing onto Pump's hand and holding it. "... I wanna go on a walk and look around. " Pump was already planning the day in his head. He and Skid could go on a long walk, then carve a pumpkin, and after, they can go home and make Lunch.

" Sure. That'll be fun! " Skid smiled super bright and helped Pump get off the pumpkin he had been sitting on. Skid held Pump's hand as he and Pump began their walk, taking notice of all the colorful plants. Pump thought about asking Skid some things about himself... " So, what is your family like? " Pump had asked this with a slight nervousness. What if Skid was upset with him for that? Pump didn't like his family, so he would only assume what Skid would say. " My momma is nice! I really like my family. " Skid responded not even noticing how nervous Pump sounded. " Oh, is it only you and your mom at home? " Pump had a feeling he was going a bit too far. " Yeah. My dad is in jail, so it's just me and my momma. " Skid didn't seem the least bit bothered by the questions. " Oh... " Pump didn't know what to say or do now...

" What about you? What is your family like? " Pump frowned when Skid asked, it's only fair Pump answered though.. " I don't like them. My mom doesn't pay attention to me and her and my dad act like my sister susie is the best person ever. " This made Skid sad. " Well. You're part of my family now! So I'll make sure you are always happy! " Skid hugged Pump really tightly and wrapped his wings around Pump's small body. Pump leaned into Skid's touch, returning his hug as a smile creeped into his face. He was safe now... hopefully.

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