The Journey

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The next day was filled with organising. Erik had not yet asked Gustav Daaé if he and his daughter would accompany him. He knew that the answer would be yes. However, he felt slightly nervous as he made his way to the Daaé residence to ask Gustav Daaé. He sat down with the man, his daughter out at the market.
"I would like to use your music in an upcoming opera." He stated and Gustav's face lit up.
"I am honoured Monsieur, truly." Erik smiled, glad that he had made the man so happy.
"I would like both you and your daughter to accompany myself and Daroga to Paris." He demanded.
"You may stay in my townhouse and you shall rehearse in the opera house. Your daughter can spend some time with her friend and enjoy her first stay in the city." He argued his case, wanting Gustav and more importantly, Christine to accompany him.
"I would be delighted, Monsieur and I am sure that Christine will be very happy also. When do we leave?" He asked. Erik was slightly nervous about this point.
"Tomorrow, Monsieur, at 10 AM. Is this an issue?" Gustav looked slightly taken aback, which worried Erik. But, soon enough, his face gained composure and he smiled at Erik.
"Of course, Monsieur. I will have Marie pack the bags and my staff will enjoy a well-deserved holiday." Erik nodded, glad that things were falling into place.

André sat at his desk at midday, sorting through his letters. His hands stopped when he felt the obvious Phanom seal. He carefully opened the letter and peered down at the beautiful, yet obviously quickly written letter.

Firmin looked over to his friend when he came running into the theatre.
"What on earth is wrong, André?" He asked as he sat down next to Firmin.
"I have received a letter from you know who." Firmin's eyes widened as he looked down at the obvious red broken seal. He led André out of the theatre and looked down at the letter and then back up to André.
"What does it say then?" He asked quickly.
"Oh yes, of course.

Dear Monsieur André,

I am writing you this letter to inform you that I shall be returning within the next few days. I wish to see my opera house in pristine condition when I return. I shall be bringing you a surprise, Monsieur, one I hope you will thoroughly enjoy.

Your faithful Servant,


André finished reading and looked up at Firmin, who had a worried expression plastered on his face.
"We need to get this place cleaned. NOW!" Firmin cried out, and they both ran straight to the maintenance office.

Christine fumed at her father for not asking her about this trip before agreeing to it.
"How long will we be gone?" She asked him helplessly.
"I do not know, Christine. For as long as Monsieur Giry wants us." She sighed, placing a hand over her eyes.
"When do we leave?" She asked, resigning all efforts to not participate in this trip.
"Tomorrow. I have asked for Marie to pack your clothes." She nodded, leaving the room.

Gustav knew that this was the right decision to make for his daughter. Monsieur Giry saw something in her that he could not see and the only way for her to progress was to continue singing his music. And to do that, she had to be in Paris. He no longer wanted his music to become famous, he wanted his daughter to become famous.

Not knowing how long she would be gone, Christine visited her mother's grave, with the flowers she had picked up from the market that morning. The sun was setting and Christine enjoyed the walk in twilight. She knelt before her mother's grave and placed the flowers down.
"Mother, I am not sure how long I shall be away from you. I know that this trip to Paris is what is best for father, but I am frightened. Monsieur Giry and father will always be in the opera house with Meg and Monsieur Daroga will be with her and I fear I will be left alone in the city." She sighed, fearing the life that laid ahead of her.

Erik noticed Christine knelt by a grave and speaking softly on his walk home from the Daaé house.
"Please, Mamen. Things have improved with Monsieur Giry and I fear I could have been wrong about him. Please show me, in some way, if he is a kinder man than I once thought. His music has changed and when I heard him sing, it felt as if he was singing to me. Am I being foolish, Mamen? Could I ever deserve such genius?" Erik heard her pray to her mother. He felt his breath catch in his throat. This angel worried if she was good enough for his affections, he laughed as he continued walking. He touched his mask, wondering why Christine Daaé would ever waste a thought on this face.

The carriage arrived at the house the next day and Christine helped Marie with the bags. They stood at the doorway.
"Have a nice time in Paris, Mademoiselle." Marie said, with a twinge of sadness in her voice.
"I am not sure when I shall be back Marie, but know that your salary will be paid and you shall be looked after." Marie smiled, knowing that she was not going to become destitute. She embraced Christine, before wishing her goodbye and watching her climb into the carriage, after her father.

Erik watched as Christine bid farewell to her maid. He smiled as they embraced. She was such an affectionate girl to those she cared about and he was determined to make himself one of those select few, remembering what he had heard the previous day. He smiled ever so slightly as she sat opposite him in Daroga's carriage.
"Thank you, Monsieur Giry, for inviting me to accompany you on this trip." She looked up at him with worry in her eyes.
"It is my pleasure, Mademoiselle Daaé." He replied and that was all that was said.

Daroga was unfathomably excited about seeing Meg Giry again. He couldn't imagine what she looked like dancing on stage, but he couldn't wait to find out. He looked over at Gustav Daaé, who had now fallen asleep and chuckled at the light snore he was filling the carriage with. He then looked over to Christine Daaé, who was wistfully looking out the window of the carriage. She really was a sight to behold in her lavender dress that fell from her shoulders. Her skin was translucent and her hair softly curled around her sweet face. With a face like hers and a voice like she had, there was no way she would be leaving Paris soon and knowing that was not her wish made him pity the Daaé girl immensely.

Erik looked over to Daroga and Gustav, who were both sleeping. He then turned his eyes to Christine, who was looking out into the countryside.
"Will you miss the country, Christine?" He asked. He noticed a tear fall onto her cheek as she looked into his eyes.
"Very much so." She said softly, holding back more tears he was sure.
"I am sure that you will find diversions in Paris that will take your mind off of your longing." He soothed her, attempting to make her transition as easy as possible, knowing that she would not be returning soon.
"I do hope so." She replied. He was sure that she would have a diverting time in Paris, because he was going to make sure that she was kept fully occupied at the opera.

The trip was long and Christine had slept for the last leg of the journey. She awoke as they stopped. Her eyes flitted open and she saw Erik's green eyes bore through her in the dark.
"I must go. Come to the opera house at ten." Erik said to Christine. She nodded before he hopped out of the carriage and collected his things, disappearing into the dark.

The house that Gustav and Christine had been given was lovely. It was a townhouse, not far from the opera. It had all of the furnishings that Christine had expected and she sighed when she entered her room. Which was fitted with all of the powdery, elegant touches that made her stomach churn.

Erik could not wait to be back in his home. He revelled in the darkness when he returned and felt very much himself again. He could not take his mind off of Christine Daaé as he unpacked. He wanted to see her, down here, lit by the candle light. But, it would not be that easy. He had to make her trust him and to make her want him. He, for the first time in his life, wanted someone in his house with him. He wanted someone in his life. The first thing he had to do was to move Christine into the opera house and into the role of lead soprano.

André shuddered as the letter fell from the ceiling outside of his office. He quickly picked up the letter and read it aloud to Firmin.


I am satisfied with the state of my opera house. I have a request. I am receiving some guests tomorrow and would like you to show them around. It is very important to me that they get a good impression, so I must ask that you are on your best behaviour. Their names are Gustav and Christine Daaé and they shall be arriving at ten tomorrow morning.

Your humble Servant,


They both sat, both in relief and nervousness. They could not wait for the next day to come and go, so that they could be free of another one of the Phantom's wishes.

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