Dear Love

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He keeps a pad by his side, 

Not knowing what to write, he sighed.

Ink drip in every tick of a hand,

Memories,  smiles  --  Oh, those alluring eyes!

He can't even help but, be mesmerized.

Yes, he thought she is the one

Please, will this letter be in hers?

Someday ... Somehow ... 

He wrote,  filling each space with a love so dear.

Praying for a day when his eyes would finally meet hers.

Then, there is she. She painfully waits in a far, lone balcony.

Holding a letter addressed to none, but her significant one.

She never knew him, she never saw him, or maybe even noticed him.

Tears spalt against the bare floor as she stares upon a piece of paper.

A paper full of longing and hope,

A paper washed with vibrant colors of emotions twisted in a loop,

A paper she feared to end only along the icy brook.

"Will he ever find me?", she wondered.

Dear Love (ONE SHOT)Where stories live. Discover now