Chapter 17: Nova's Last Stand

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Nova came to, back in Ataraxia. Hubris, Grek, and Fredric were already there, gathered with the rest of the Knights. Thunderdome flew overhead and landed off to the side.

Looking around, Nova saw that Ataraxia had changed drastically since before. It had become militarized, serving as the Knights of Ardonia's operational base ever since the fall of the capitals.

Staggering to her feet, Nova walked into the building with the most activity, and was pleased to see the majority of her friends and fellow Knights greet Hubris, Grek, and Fredric: Galleous, Senn, Abbigail, Ria, and many others. However, as she walked in, everyone fell silent. She exhaled in embarrassment, but was immediately cheered up when Ria ran to her and hugged her.

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay, Ky'Nova!" she beamed. "I was so worried for you!"

Ria wheeled on Nova's battle partners, her face becoming angry. "Where have you three been?! We were just about to leave for the strike without you."

"Captain, listen!" Hubris tried to explain. "I know you don't agree, but none of our work will matter without the Prime Songs."

Ria hesitated for a moment, still angry, but one glance at Nova and seeing she was alright, she decided not to scold them further. " you have them?"

Grek flicked his tail nervously. ", but we have the person who might be able to find them."

Ria turned her attention to Fredric. He was tinkering with a redstone repeater. He looked up and noticed everyone looking at him. "Oh hi...I'm Fredric."

"I hear you can locate the Prime Songs, Fredric?" Ria asked him. 

"Well...not exactly, but I'm working on a device that can.'s not quite finished. In addition, it requires at least one Prime Song to calibrate."

"Maybe we should stab the half-breed and use THAT Prime Song to calibrate the machine," a stray Ardoni whispered off to the side. Their snickers were immediately silenced by a murderous glare from Ria.

"Finish your device, Fredric," she continued speaking to the redstone engineer. "If we find one of the two remaining Primes, perhaps you can help us locate the final. Welcome to the Knights of Ardonia."

Fredric bowed slightly, thenbacked up to the edge of the circle. "Thank you, ma'am."

"What about the other Ardoni clans?" Senn asked.

"A handful of Ardoni joined us, but for the most part the clans are determined to stay out of this war," Val told him.

Ria shook her head with disappointment. "Cowards...I knew we couldn't rely on them."

"Do you think we'll have enough forces to take Meridian?" Abbigail asked as she stroked Luna's nose.

"It is difficult to say, but this is the best opportunity we will ever have," the Tidesinger admitted. "Cydonia and K'arthen control the two largest armies of Ardonia. If we can unite them and control the beacon conduits, we could liberate a few capitals before the Nether has time to retaliate."

As they were having their conversation, Nova noticed someone in the corner. She turned her head and was shocked to see a humanoid entity with glowing white eyes there. Surely it couldn't be...she'd only heard about him in legends...

She leaned over to Senn and whispered to him to confirm. "Hey, is that...?"

"Herobrine, yeah," Senn nodded. "The Tidesinger managed to recruit his help, believe it or not. Maybe we'll have a chance after all."

"And at that point, the Nether will have lost their hold," Hubris said. "It will be easier to strike at other, less fortified, points."

"Everything depends on the liberation of Meridian," the Tidesinger reminded everyone. "Tomorrow is going to be a long battle, and it will not end there. You are all dismissed, sleep well tonight."

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