🌟He asks you to move in 🌟

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Rami - He just asked

You two were in your tiny apartment cuddling on the couch and watching a tv show not really paying attention

"Y/n do you want to move in with me" I looked up at the man beside me
"Yes I would love to move in with you "

Lucy - You guys were already roomates before you guys started dateing

Joe- He got you think of paint swatched

"Paint swatches?"
"Yeah you always say how you hate the color in my house so I thought if you moved in with me i would let you pick a color"
"You want me to move in with you?"
"Yeah I mean we been together for awhile I think its time"
"Ok, How about salmon?"
"Oh I changed my mind"
" I'm kidding"
"Oh thank god" he said as he gave you a kiss

Ben - He got a puppy

He walked in with a crate and you were already on the couch and you looked up
"What you got there Benny " You asked as he set down the crate on the floor and opened it and a little beagle puppy came out " Oh my God" you said as you slipped down to the floor and the puppy ran up to you and you picked it up "I thought Frankie would want a buddie" "why you bring him here then?" "Cause i want you to move in with me" I looked up and smiled at him "Ok " and went back to gushing over the tiny thing in my hands as he just smiled at me playing with the puppy

Gwil - Your stuff kept on comeing up missing and showing up at his

"Hey Gwilym why does my stuff keep showing up here?"
"I thought I would slowly move you in till you noticed so I could ask"
"Well you could of just asked" I said and laughed at my boyfriends antics
"Yeah well I thought this would be a more interesting way I honestly thought it would go on longer"
"Alright you little theif I'll move in with you " I laughed

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