: Introductary Chapter :

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Eret had been know as his "royal fashionista" by many amongst the kingdom; or maybe just his friend Niki.

Eret's kingdom withheld several indicators of his style and his royally fashionable sense. First and foremost, him.

The king always wore the finest and sensible outfits amongst his peers. A corset was always laced along his waistlines, and beneath its covering was a poet shirt, either an off-white or black. He wore a kings cape around his shoulders, and kept on by a thin golden chain across his chest. He styled black renaissance pants most times; if not then a long flowing skirt in several different colors. Shoes varied, but usually combat boots.

Accessories were their top priority. His multi-colored jeweled crown sat atop his head most times, a sign of royalty and respect. Many necklaces and rings, along with several piercings, scattered along his body.

Eret took pride in their fashion.

That being said, she was the only one with any fashion sense.

Many people of whom Eret was friends with had no regard to style whatsoever. Most wore the same two things every day.

Their clothes were in tatters, their hair long and tangled, they often wouldn't even shower.

So Eret opened his business.

A styling business.

A / N

im genuinely so excited to write this and share it with everyone. it has been on my mind forever and im finally writing it down.

also many warnings do follow this story (since it withholds a lot of angst) and they will be listed at the top of the chapter before it begins. you can easily skip one chapter with a certain warning since this doesn't follow a plotline; you won't miss much.

please request any character and maybe even the things you want them to talk about / headcannons :]

basically just every character ranting to Eret as they clean their style and help them

(tell me for spelling mistakes please)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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