Chapter Four

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The next few weeks, me and Brandon hang out more and more often. Even though I don't like classical books, it doesn't matter. As long as he's with me, I'm content. When I'm not with Brandon, I think of the things I can do with him. One time, we even held hands!

As Tia and I walk to class, we discuss Tia's plans. "Okay, we need to study everyday, during study hall and lunch."

I don't even remember when I last studied. "Got it."

"I hope you do, because this is for your grades too. You can never be too prepared."


"Great, because I need you to promise me that this Brandon thing won't take over your life and that you'll make time to study with me." She holds out a pinky with an intense look on her face.

I snicker. "Really, Tia?"

She raises an eyebrow at me, still holding out her pinky. I sigh and link mine with hers, and she smiles, retracting her hand. "Thank you."

We stop in front of the classroom and open the door, heading inside to Advanced Algebra.

We work on the bell ringer problems and the teacher walks up to me, slipping a note facedown on my desk. I pick it up and read, "See me."

At the end of class, I go to the teacher and ask, "You asked for me?"

"Yes, Ms. Wood. I wanted to talk to you because while normally you are the best student in class, you've been participating less and your grades have been dropping slightly. Now before this gets out of hand, can you tell me what's going on?"

"Nothing, I promise." I mutter, eyes to her table. I see a paper in the turn-in rack with the name Brandon Roberts, and everything else starts to fade. Ah, Brandon, you beautiful soul. I bet you've been practicing your math. I hope you got a good grade, you deserve it.

"Ms. Wood?"

"Uh, huh?" I mutter, eyes still on the paper.

"So will you be better with your organization?"

"Uh huh, of course." I mumble halfheartedly.

"Good. I'll write you a pass."

As I arrive at my next class, I give the teacher my slip and sit down in my assigned seat. I open my laptop and search up romantic picnics for me and Brandon to go on.

I can't wait for the day we can go on one.


Me and Brandon are at the library, reading Romeo and Juliet this week. I can feel our shoulders touch as he reads the words, softly like he wants to experience the magic Shakespeare wrote. It's only through him that I get to imagine it too. I can only think about how soft his hands would be if we laced them together, our fingers intertwined--

He takes a quick breath and looks at me. I can't help but be pulled into his magnetic gaze. "Are you.. doing anything this weekend?"

My heart skips a beat. Could this be another date? I can't mess this up. Just say something. Don't wait too long, come on.



Brandon's smile dims and I'm hit with a stabbing pain in my chest, a reminder of the stupid things that come out of my mouth. "I-I mean, no, not actually, just resting at my house, nothing t-too big, ahaha..." I'm rambling. I need to stop. I look up at him and he meets my eyes, those beautiful eyes.

"Maybe, you'd... want to hang out? Like go to a park? A new one opened, so it's pretty clean..."

"Like a date?" Stupidbrainstupidmouthstupidwordsstupidstupidstupid--

"Yeah." I look up at him and see his shy smile. "Like a date."

My heart blossoms and I feel like I could do anything. Brandon asked me on an official date. This is real.

A smile spreads across my face and I nod. "Of course!"

His dazzling smile grows wider, and we read aloud together, my mind blossoming with love, like a delicate flower.

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