Flavors of the Soul

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"Truly precious things of love and joy, limitless in existence. Mystical globe reflects a soul for the good shall taste fruits of labor."

What truly is immortal.

What is precious in the life of temporary?

Is it the material things of entertainment?

Or the love and joy with family and emotional experience.

The body is limited but it contains a limitless entity.

In the night of every 1st day of death.

Something rises but it's not the undead.

shimmering glowing blinding elementals

Which resides on the corpses of the dead

For a guardian shall now judge how it all ends.

Tombstones indicate the person within it.

But you cannot know how this being lived.

A soul is an elemental and a personality.

It is the essence of one's entire existence.

It is a man's way of connection to the supernatural.

Mythical, mystical, and extraordinary things happen in every part of the world

The whole globe of the 7 continents has different belief in so.

Dragons, angels, demons, and ghosts. Outside of the box

Only accessible by different flavors of the soul.

For a soul reflects and shows the intent of the being it once was.

A soul is not fiction for a soul is a major part of many religions.

A soul is the core of a being. For a body is just a vessel for action.

The afterlife is different for each flavor of the soul.

One who lives its life selfless who did good and learn shall obtain peace

For others who fail and does sin shall rot and dim.

A soul is a taste of a person's inner identity.

Sweet for the generous kind.

Sour for the awfully spoiled.

Spice for the daredevils

Bitter for the jealous or strict.

Salt for the tempered ones.

Do not judge a book on its front for there is much more in such complexity.

Not everyone can see the spirits that roam.

Some things are unexplainable for they come and go.

But one can see the being inside such shell.

For the soul of your own is able to tell.

Life has an expiry but it is not plain

For soul can freely decide its will of destiny.

Which road shall you pick dear reader?

Cultivate your being to bear fruits of labor.

You are with the supernatural.

You are one.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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