chapter three: i fled

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The next few weeks where good and rewarding but very tiering.

Today will be the day of my supposed to be husbands birthday. And also the day he said he would search for me as he said on the forest blog he had posted. But oh was i ready. I got my bow and arrows ready to fire, if he comes even in inch near the house.

The night when the clock struck midnight on the day i went missing he came. He missed me but it was close. He fired and fired until.... I SHOOT HIM from behind and he bleed out and died.

Yes i defeated him not long after guards can running out to come to his rescue and i fled the scene.  As the guards where chasing me down i decided to reveal my self but, only to distract them to keep running. I ran back to the cottage and locked all the windows and doors and put the shades down the could not tell i was in there.

The next day i went to pick berries when i noticed a man watching me. It was RYAN! All bloody and white he had come to kill me back. 

But i won the battle and i would not loose the war.

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