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Rhyme: Hurry up TK!! I'm already late.
TK: it's the last walk of our summer.
Y/N: You walk by Rhyme's house on your way to school everyday.
TK: Yeah but this year I'm on the swim team.
Rhyme: And I am hopefully on the dance team.
TK: So stop rushing.
Rhyme: Oh come on. The girls and I always walk together on the first day of school.
TK: yeah yeah Chicken girls can y'all come up with a better ship name like something more mature sounding.
Hey Y/N are u ok?
Y/N: Yeah just thinking you know.
TK: about what?
Y/N: Idk if I want to be on the dance team this year.
Rhyme: What? why?
Y/N: I don't feel like it's my thing anymore after me and Ronney bond by taking photos.
Rhyme: Oh ok.
Y/N: Hey I promised Rooney that i would meet up with her and Birdie bye.
Rhyme and TK: Bye.
With Quinn and Ellie
Quinn: My sisters and I really bonded this summer.
Ellie: You and your two sisters havet really gotten along since Rooney started dating Henry and Y/N started dating Ace .
Quinn: They broke up.
Ellie: Really?
Quinn: After they broke up my sisters got like, really into photography and now they are talking pics for the school newspaper.
Check it out.
Ellie: When did you get a phone?
Quinn: Right before the trip.
Ellie: Do all of our friends have one except for me?
Quinn: I don't know, let me check the group chat?
Ellie: There's a group chat?
Quinn: Who's Kayla?
Ellie: We met her at dance camp, you're gonna love her!
Hey, Quinn, this is my friend Kayla.
Kayla: Ellie's been helping me prep for team tryouts.
Quinn: There's only three spots on the dance team this year, me, Ellie and Rhyme.
Kayla: Yeah, I heard all about the Chicken Girls and that dance you did when you were five.
And your...
Quinn: Friendship bracelets?
Ellie: Well, who knows?
Maybe there's a fourth spot on the team.
Quinn: Maybe.
There's my sisters.
Kayla: Who's the girl in the hoodie?
Quinn: Birdie, she's my sister's best friend and captain of the dance team and the coolest girl at Attaway.
Anyway, I should get to class.
Ellie: Wait, aren't you gonna wait for Rhyme?
It's our first-day tradition.
Quinn: She's the one who's late.
Kayla: Jezz what's her problem?
With Birdie, Rooney, Quinn and Y/N
Birdie: So, how have you been since the big Henry and Ace breakup?
Rooney and Y/N: We're okay.
Rooney: Quinn's actually been really sweet about the whole thing.
Y/N: Yeah she has.
Birdie: Yeah, what's it with little sis being around all the time anyway?
Quinn: Are you talking about me?
Y/N: Give her break, Birdie.
Birdie: Whatever.
Let's just go find homeroom.
Y/N: I'm gonna help Quinn find her homeroom.
See ya later love ya both.
Birdie and Rooney: OK love ya too.
later in Quinns class
Rhyme: We're in the same class.
Ellie: It's meant to be.
Y/N: Quinn I got to go to class. See u later ok? Love ya.
Quinn: K see you at tryout. Love ya too.
Y/N: Quinn about that i'm gonna help with trying outs but after that im gonna talk with Birdie about me not being on the team anymore.
Quinn: Ok.
in Y/N class
Y/N: Hey guys.
Ronney and Birdie: Hey Y/N.
Y/N: So what do we have now?
Rooney: Math.
Y/N: Ugh really.
Birdie: Yeah.

(601 Words)

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