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Tryouts were started Birdie, Rooney and Y/N were taking notes to see if those who were trying out were good enough for the team but not so many were.
But then it was Rhyme, Kayla, Quinn and Ellies turn to try out and they were good.
Y/N and Rooney were very proud of Quinn.
Birdie: Thank you, everyone.
Why don't you take five?
The team captains need to speak.
Rooney and Y/N: So, what do you think of our sister?
Birdie: First of all u two need to stop doing that it's creepy and last i barely even noticed her.
She's never been as good as that Ellie girl.
Rooney: Come on, we need her on the team.
Birdie: That Kayla girl's is the one that got moves.
Y/N: Okay, so if we take Kayla and Ellie, that only leaves one more spot.
Um guys i have thought about stopping on the dance team. So I thought Rhyme should get my spot on the team.
Birdie: You can't stop dancing.
Y/N: Why not?
Birdie: Bc i say so.
Y/N: Whatever, I'm leaving bye.
Birdie: If you leave, I don't want to be friends anymore.
Y/N: What! you mean that?
Birdie: Yeah.
Y/N: Fine i stay.
Birdie: Yay!
Y/N: Do you know that you're a toxic friend?
Birdie: Yeah.
But anyways you guys pick either Quinn or Rhyme.
Ellie: Did you guys notice Henry was looking at me the whole time?
Quinn: He was?
Ellie: Yeah, well I mean, actually he was looking at his phone, but probably at our snapchats, I mean, right?
Rooney: Okay, everyone, line up.
Birdie: We like to welcome the following new members.
Drum roll, please.
Y/N and Rooney: Kayla Seltzer.
Y/N and Rooney: Quinn Forrester.
Birdie: And last, but not least... Ellie Mack.
Y/N: Hey um i'm gonna take a walk see ya.
Rooney: K.
On Y/N's walk Ace came and hugged Y/N from behind and almost gave her a heart attack. She turned around and saw Ace.
Y/N: Hey Ace what are you doing here?
and how did you know where i was?
Ace: I saw you walk so i thought why not talk to you after you know.
Y/N: Yeah.
Ace: Look I'm so sorry about what happened. Can I please take you on a date?
Y/N: Fine but it's your last chance okay.
Ace: Yay! okay great i will pick you up at 6am today is that okay with you?
Y/N: That is okay with me, I will see you later?
Ace: Yeah see you later.
Y/N: Wait! What do I even have to wear?
Ace: Just something comfy.
Y/N: Okay, bye.
Ace: Bye.

( 466 Words)

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