A New Plan

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All three Baudelaire children got the same feeling at the same time. 

Violet untied her hair and allowed herself a few moments break. She wondered how her siblings were doing, if they were making as much progress as her.

She also wondered about a man named Jacques. Was it really the best idea, she thought, to leave him alone? He knew who they were! Maybe he could get them the answers they so desperately needed.

Meanwhile, Klaus put down his book face-up, then immediately had to get a bookmark and stop it from closing. He wondered how his sisters were doing, if they were making as much progress as he had. 

He also wondered about a man named Jacques. Should they really be leaving Jacques alone?  Though Klaus felt pretty confident in his reading, what if mob psychology didn't work? He only wished he could test it out before tomorrow. 

When Sunny let herself look away from the slip of paper on the crow's leg, her mind wandered to her siblings. She had found out that the crows' feathers had couplets tucked into them, and fell at night. Were her siblings discovering as much as she was? Sunny also wondered about a man named Jacques. Was it really right, she wondered, to leave him alone? He was in prison for a crime he never committed. If Klaus's research would succeed, tomorrow he'd be free, but that didn't mean he deserved to stay there tonight. 

A gentle creak brought Sunny out of her thoughts, and she saw the tired figure of her sister behind her. Before either of them could say anything, Klaus entered as well. 

"Did you two finish?" asked Violet. 

Sunny informed her siblings of her findings. 

"I've mostly looked it over," said Klaus.

Violet gave them a nod. "Good, I was thinking..." 

"About Jacques," Klaus finished. "Me too. I don't think we should leave him alone." 

"I can go see him, I've practically finished." 

"I'll go with you," said Klaus, leaning with the weight of the book. "I can read in the dark." 

"No," Violet said. "One of the rules said books aren't allowed. It'll be too dangerous." 

"No more dangerous than sneaking out to see a convicted murderer," said Klaus with a smile. 

"Me?" asked Sunny.

 "You can stay here," said Violet. "We still need to watch for any signs of the Quagmires." 

Sunny reached out to kiss her siblings on the cheek in turn. "Good luck," she said. 

"Good luck to you too," said Klaus. "I hope we won't need it." 

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