Chapter 11*

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Warning - contains slight sexual activities if you feel unconfortable please skip the chapter,thanks.


I woke up to a knock on my door, groaning softly as I wondered why, of all days, someone had to wake me up this morning. It was my birthday, sure, and I knew it was probably my dad, but still, I hated waking up early, especially on a Friday. The only good thing was that tomorrow was the weekend, and on Sunday, I’d finally get to see Rose and Emmett. Alice was most likely planning a party today, but Sunday was reserved for baseball—something I was genuinely looking forward to.

Another knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts.

"Come in," I mumbled groggily.

The door creaked open, and my dad entered, holding a present in his hands. I smiled and sat up, patting the space beside me on the bed.

"Happy birthday, Jennifer," he said warmly, handing me the gift. "I know how much you love drawing, so I thought you’d like this."

Excitement bubbled up inside me as I tore open the box. Inside was a beautiful new sketchpad and a set of high-quality drawing pencils. I squealed and threw my arms around him. "Thank you, Dad! I love it!"

He chuckled. "I’m glad. I wish I could stay longer, but I’ve got to head to work. Another case—another ‘animal attack,’" he said, though we both knew what those "attacks" really were.

"Okay, Dad. Be safe, yeah? I’ll probably be at the Cullens' after school for my birthday. Love you." I always told him that before he left for work—it had become a habit ever since I was a kid.

"Love you too, kiddo," he said, kissing the top of my head. "I don’t know when I’ll be back, so have fun." With that, he stood up and headed out the door.

Once he was gone, I dragged myself into the bathroom, taking a long, hot bath to wake up. I scrubbed, shaved, and curled my hair before slipping into my outfit for the day.

Downstairs, I grabbed a small breakfast before brushing my teeth. By the time I checked the clock, it was 7:25, so I headed downstairs to wait for my mates.

Soon enough, I saw Rosalie’s red car pull into the driveway, and my heart did a little flip, like it always did when I saw them. Both Rose and Emmett stepped out, and I walked over to greet them.

"Morning, love," Rosalie said with a warm smile before leaning in to kiss me—a long, slow kiss that sent warmth through my entire body. Emmett followed suit, kissing me softly as he whispered, "Morning, darling."

"Morning, you two," I replied, grinning at them both.

"Happy birthday! We’ve got your presents waiting at home," Rosalie said as she opened the car door for me. "But you’ll love them."

"And the last one’s going to be a real surprise," Emmett added with a wink, making me laugh.

As we climbed into the car, I couldn’t help but notice Isabella standing nearby, glaring at us. I rolled my eyes and flipped her off discreetly. Nothing was going to ruin my mood today.

On the drive to school, we talked about how Edward was now picking up Isabella regularly, and how he planned to invite her to the family baseball game on Sunday. That idea didn’t sit well with me—she couldn’t even play, and it felt like she was just tagging along for no reason. But I brushed it off. Today was my birthday, and I wouldn’t let her get to me.

When we pulled into the school parking lot, Alice was already waiting, bouncing on the balls of her feet with a huge grin plastered on her face. The moment I stepped out of the car, she rushed over and tackled me into a hug.

"Happy birthday, Jennifer!" she squealed. "Here’s your present. You’ll need it later, trust me," she added, handing me a box with a mysterious smirk.

I chuckled, knowing how much Alice loved her surprises. Before I could say anything, though, Edward pulled up with Isabella, and she gave us all her usual smug look. I rolled my eyes again—*seriously, what does he see in her?*

"Let’s head inside," I suggested, noticing Rosalie’s irritation growing. Jasper, too, seemed tense, clearly affected by Isabella’s presence. As usual, I gave him a quick hug to help calm his bloodlust. He relaxed immediately and gave me a grateful nod, the tension leaving his shoulders.

🦖🦖🦖Time Skip: After School🦖🦖🦖

After school, Rosalie and Emmett drove me home. I went upstairs to change, bringing along the box Alice had given me. Inside was a simple yet elegant dress—definitely Alice’s style. I smiled, slipping it on quickly before meeting Rosalie and Emmett downstairs.

The drive to the Cullens' house was calm and quiet, the three of us content in each other’s company. When we arrived, I was greeted by the whole family, the house decorated beautifully for my birthday. Alice had gone all out, of course.

"Sorry, we tried to tell her to tone it down," Carlisle said with a chuckle as I walked in.

I laughed. "It’s fine! I already knew Alice would go overboard, even if you told her to stop."

Alice winked at me knowingly, and we all shared a good-natured laugh. After some small talk, it was time for presents. They gave me more art supplies, which I absolutely loved, as well as a new perfume and some clothes—skirts, turtlenecks, and other things I liked. I thanked everyone warmly, feeling touched by their thoughtfulness.

We chatted for a while, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. As the evening went on, everyone gradually began to drift away, leaving just me, Rosalie, and Emmett.

When I turned to Emmet and Rosalie,they were both smirking  at me with a glint in their eyes.Rosalie was the first to step forward, cupping my face and pressing her lips to mine.

Emmet moved behind me his lips brushing against my neck as he whispered " I told you I was going to mark the other side my love"

My breath hitched at his words, and I broke the kiss with Rosalie my pulse quickening as I felt both of them on my neck their lips teasing,sucking and nipping. I leaned back into Emmet moaning softly

"Can I?"Emmet asked his voice a low growl in my ear

I nodded and he gently slipped the dress of my shoulders revealing the blue lingerie underneath. Their eyes darkened instantly a look of pure hunger passing between them.

Rosalie wasted no time lifting me up easily and wrapping my legs around her waist as she carried me to their room. Emmet followed, tugging playfully on the collar ring of the lingerie.

When we reached their room, Rosalie gently laid me down on the bed,while Emmet locked the door behind him.

Both of them turned their gaze on me,eyes full of desire ready to take things further


1097 words 1250
Edit - 25.09.24


I'm posting the next chapter in a few hours.
Have a good day.


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