•'Flower crown'•

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'Hello Hu Tao, thank you for getting back to me. I've missed you.. Quite a lot. Hopefully we can meet again! Please feel free to come visit whenever you have free time

-From your dear friend Kokomi'

Kokomi remembers the first time she started to fall for Hu Tao. It was not so long ago yet it felt like it had been a century.

"Look at these beautiful Qingxin flowers I got from Liyue!"
Exclaimed the excited Hu Tao.
Kokomi jumped at the sudden surprise from behind her and she sighed,

"Please don't scare me like that"
"Oh sorry Komi, but aren't these lovely?"

Kokomi looked at them and replied,
"Yes they are, and.. Komi..?"
Hu Tao smiled brightly,
"It's my new nickname for you!"

Kokomi got curious, she started to think and then asked,
"Can I call you a nickname, what about... Tao Tao? Is that okay?"

Hu Tao nodded very energetically and held her hands together firmly,
"Oh yes! That's a perfect nickname, I really love it!"

Kokomi's stomach felt like butterflies when talking to Hu Tao and she held her stomach a little.
Hu Tao noticed and asked in a concerning manner,
"Are you feeling alright? Do you not feel like talking today? I wouldn't like for you to be sick"
"I don't think i'm okay, I'll go rest. I'm not too sure what i'm feeling right now"

Hu Tao helped Kokomi walk to the Sanganomiya Shrine,
"Okay! Since we're here, you go lie down and i'll make some tea. Is that okay Komi?"
Kokomi felt even stranger than before! She felt her face warm up at the nickname Komi.
"Yes, of course. I'll go lie down, I feel a little bit

She went to her room and laid down.
'Oh god what's wrong with me?!'
She pulled the covers over her head.

Lots of minutes passed by, she was getting a little worried at the amount of time Hu Tao took to make just some simple tea.
Eventually, the door opened and Hu Tao stood there. She gave Kokomi the tea,
"Thank you Hu Tao."

Hu Tao smiled and slightly muttered when she first spoke,
"I.. uh.. I got this for you."
Kokomi looked as Hu Tao revealed what she was hiding in her hands.
It was a beautiful flower crown.
"I made this out of the Qingxin flowers I found in Liyue and attached some pearls I found lying around to it"

Kokomi found it adorable and took it,
"This is gorgeous! Thank you so much. I will treasure it forever."

Hu Tao got up and went to the door, she opened it slightly then turned her head back to Kokomi.
"Sleep well Komi, I'll see you another day. I wish you a healthy recovery"

Kokomi wanted to ask Hu Tao to stay for a little longer but she didn't want to as it felt embarrassing.
"Oh okay, thank you for all your help."

Hu Tao nodded and said,
"Any time, any day"
Kokomi waved goodbye and drifted off to sleep.

..•_. My Dear Kokomi ._•.. (Kokotao)Where stories live. Discover now