Chapter 2 Selania

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Levinon (photo on top) is a lion wolf like creature native to the west edge of the fright zone on Etheria.

It's been a few hours since the battle at Thaymore and Shadoweaver is not happy. "Your first mission and you fail! And why? Because you where to focused on Catra! A good force captain watches their squad and fights without mercy!" She says. she starts to continue but I've had enough. I feel the burning anger rise through my body. "Oh just give it a break!" I scream getting really aggressive. "Spare me the lecture and let me start planning my next move!" I say getting in her face with a sour look. Her eyes squint. "Fine. Get out." She says turning away. I leave quickly heading to the barracks to get out of my battle armor. When I walk in Lonnie,Rogelio and Kyle are sitting on the bench talking to two other recruits. "She had Adora turned into a monster! She just kept swinging her sword and hitting the machines Catra leapt onto." Lonnie says crossing her arms. "It was awful." She finishes. "You know talking bad on an officer can get you into a lot of trouble Cadet!" I yell pinning her to the lockers. "Next time I see Catra. She won't get the better of me! I will be bringing her back!" I yell in her face. She nods her head closing her eyes preparing to get hit. I drop her and walk to my locker and change. "Get out. All of you!" I yell not turning away from my locker. I hear there hurried steps as I unhook my chest plate. I look at the picture of me and Catra as kids. She's settled on my back leaning on my head both of us with big smiles on our faces. As I put up the last piece of armor I grab the photo and tuck it into my pocket before leaving. "Adora." A voice calls. I turn slowly and glare at whoever it was. "What." I say. "Lord Hordak has requested your presence." She says. I quickly walk off towards Hordaks sanctum. The two guard at the door open it as I walk through. I stop at the bottom of the steps. "You asked for me?" I ask as nicely as I can. "Yes I did force captain. I was told you are responsible for the destruction of our machines and our failure at Thaymore." He says looking down petting his creature. "Yes sir. I got distracted in battle and Catra was able to use me. It won't happen again." I say looking down. "No it won't. Not if you want to stay here instead of Beast Island." He says. "I can't trust you to handle this alone. So force captain Scorpia will be your new partner. Dismissed!" He yells. "Yes, sir." I say and swiftly leave. I growl once out of his office. "Hello!" A very excited voice says next to me. I turn quick and look at her. She's a smiling tall scorpion person. "I'm Scorpia! You must be Adora!" She says scooping me up into a hug. "Careful, I'm a hugger." She says. "Drop me immediately!" I yell wriggling in her clawed hand things. She finally puts me down after a minute. I walk off quickly heading to Shadoweaver again. I need her to find Catra for me. I stop outside her door before pounding on it. "Shadoweaver!" I yell through the door. It opens and Shadoweaver grabs me pulling me in. "What do you want child!" She yells placing her hands on the Black Garnet. "Where's Catra. I know you can find her." I say. "Catra is nothing more than a distraction! You will leave her wherever she is!" She says in a loud tone. Who does she think she is! "You've been in charge ever since we where kids! You always favored me over her! Well guess what? I favor her over you! You either tell me where she is or I'll make your life hell!" I yell grabbing the sword. "For the honor of Grayskull!" I yell turning into the big scary lady. I grab Shadoweaver by the cloak and pull her off the ground to me. "I don't fear you. Shadoweaver." I say glaring at her with hate. "Fine! You want to find her. Maybe you should look at this first." She says. I let go and she walks over to her computer before pressing play. "This way!" I hear Catra yell. I watch intently as Catra runs into view. Instead of her normal red she's clad in white. With two gold rings on her tail and her headband now gold. She actually looks really good in white. I shake the thought from my head as Sparkle princess and Arrow boy run behind her fighting the soldiers there. I feel an angry bile rise in my chest. Why does she choose them! Over me! I've always protected her, taken care of her, been there for her! And she she still chose them. "She switched sides! She's a traitor! She will never be worthy of your attention you need to let her go." She says placing her hand on my shoulder. "No. This is a phase. She'll get over it. I just need to destroy the rebellion. But I won't have her destroyed in the process. You find her and bring her back. Or I'll level the place and you won't be in charge anymore!" I yell smashing her computer with my fist. "Go! Find her! And bring her back!" Shadoweaver yells to her cauldron. Shadows envelope the room and race out the door. "Now leave me. I'll call you when I have her back." She says. I nod before leaving and heading to bed. A week later I'm standing on the edge of the fright zone training with Scorpia. Her exoskeleton makes her extremely resilient and able to handle the new form who Shadoweaver has taken to calling She-Ra. Apparently She-Ra is an ancient hero of Etheria. "Adora!" Scorpia yells. "What!" I yell back glaring. "I'm going back inside. My shell may be tough but your strikes still take it out of me." She says stretching her arms. I wave her off before walking away. I decided I want to take a walk around the perimeter of the fright zone. I've been trapped here for a week. I miss the action of field work even after one mission. I get about halfway before I'm stopped by a noise.i grip my sword and brush my cape back off my arm. I've been spending a lot of time as She-Ra recently. Makes people back off. I slowly approach seeing a beautiful Etherian Levinon. She notices me to and slowly approaches. I hold out my sword. She stalks closer bearing her teeth. I panicked a bit and a blast of light shoots from the sword. The Levinon screeches as her limbs become longer and her body bigger. Horns sprout through her head and red marks start appearing through her black fur. Wings like a dragons burst from her sides. She collapses to the ground. Oh no. I run over and place my hand on her shoulder. I feel it rise and fall with her breaths. I sigh in relief and pick her up slinging her gigantic body over my shoulder and rush back to the fright zone. I walk past many confused and alarmed guards as I head to my quarters. I place the animal on my bed. "Adora." Shadoweavers voice rings through my force captain badge. "Come to the Black Garnet chamber at once." She says. I sigh and leave locking my door behind me. I race through the halls and relieve She-Ra as she is not needed. I place the sword at my hip as I stop outside the door and open it. "Catra is in Seaworthy. This will be your last chance to bring her back. We have other matters that need your attention." She says. "Force Captain Scorpia will be joining you as she is your partner." She says ushering me out. I leave quickly and meet up with Scorpia. "Let's go. I want to get her home quickly." I say.

"It just had to be a boat." Kyle moans leaning over the edge. "We're going to Seaworthy. What'd you expect?" I question angrily. I get no response as Kyle pukes over the edge. "Oh I just love boats! Don't you? Wind in your hair, ocean on every side, miles and miles from the nearest dry land, watery death awaiting at the slightest mishap. Man, that's what I call living!" She says looking over at the sea. "Yea. It's great." I say. I turn away and see Lonnie and Rogelio next to Kyle playing with some ball and string thing just starting at me. "What are you looking at! Get back to work before I throw you to the sea!" I yell causing them to scurry off. After a half hour of quiet sailing our boat shudders and the waves crash against the sides. "What was that!" I yell as everyone scurries around. I spot a ship graveyard not far off. "Man your stations! We're in for a bumpy ride!" I yell and the water suddenly jets upwards as a giant sea creature shoots through. "For the honor of Grayskull!" I yell and jump at the monster landing at his teeth. The creature screams and retreats back into the water taking me with i. Once under I see the creature running away. A bunch of scrapes and cuts litter it's body. One of witch I'd remember anywhere. I lightly touch the healing scars on my face from Catras claws. They must have come past it. I swim to the surface and climb up the ladder they tossed over the edge. "They where here. Keep going! Full speed!" I yell as the boat takes off. After a bit the boat stops. "Why have we stopped!" I yell. "The sea gate is in our way." Kyle says. I jump down and lift him up by his collar. "Blast through it!" I yell dropping him. We slowly sail closer before firing on the gate. I use my spyglass and spot Catra and her 'friends' on a ledge by the gate. "Keep going!" I say running and jumping off the boat swimming as fast as I can towards them. As I crawl onto the shore the first blast hits the gate. I watch as a blue lady jumps to the water with arrow boy jumping after. I climb up to Catra who is inspecting the gate and playing with the runes on it. 'She-Ra' it says. "Hello, kitten." I say standing behind her. She turn quickly startled. "Adora?" She says. I smirk. "Love the new look. Looks a little. Princess like though if you ask me." I say. "What are you doing here." She demands. "You. I came here to bring you home." I say and grab her. She writhes free and kicks me out of the way. "I'll go willingly if you fix the gate!" She yells. "Your going either way! Why would I help you when I can just take you." As I say this I hear a loud crash and look behind me and watch my ship sink. "Fine! Move!" I yell pushing her out of the way and focusing on the sword. A blue light shoots through the sword and my clothes momentarily turn white and my sword light blue. The gate glows and I drop the sword. "Now. Your coming with me." I say and walk to her. She slowly backs up to the ledge and I grab her. A blast of water shoots and I'm knocked off the edge. "No!" I yell falling. A wave of pain rushes my back as I hit the water. I resurface and Scorpia grabs my cape and pulls me away with her. "You liar! You will be with me soon kitten!" I yell in anger. These people don't know who there messing with. I feel a wave of jealousy as I watch sparkles jump and hug Catra.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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