Battle Scars....

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Ahhh why not update again. Enjoyyyy ☺

•Sabrina's POV•

"Where am I" I panic

I try to run back to the door but as I get closer it fades. I start panicking more and fall to my knees as tears pour out.

"Sabrina" I feel a hand in my shoulder

I turn around and see... Logan?

"hey Lil sis" he smiles

I stand up and hug him tightly "Logan where am I "

"Doesn't matter...but youre not staying here" he says "you're not done with your life"

"What...what are you talking about"

"He laughs " just don't know'll find out when you wake up"

I look at him confused and before I can say anything he hugs me And kisses my cheek "just wake up Brini ...and stay out of trouble. I love you.... And so does mom and dad"

"I love you too, Logan and tell them I said I love them also."

"Sure thing. go. Get out of here"

I slowly open my eyes. It was all a dream. I rub my eyes and let out a huge yawn.

I try to sit up but I'm yanked back down by something, causing me to yelp in pain. I notice an IV in my hand. I look around and see that I'm in a hospital room.

I'm so confused. Why am I here?

The door opens and I see Bradley "Sabrina!" He runs towards me "I'm so glad you are awake"

"Why am I here? How'd I get here?....How long have I been here?"

"You've been in a coma for about two months" he says softly

So this means the past two months....I've dreamed everything?

"Do" I ask slowly

"Of course. I'm sticking with you forever B" he says and gives me a kiss

I smile"but ....why am I in here....what happened"

His smiles fades as he begins to explain "a few days after you told me about your cancer got really depressed and you know" he looks down at my arm

I look and see scars covering my arm. Then I remember everything.


I run into my room and throw everything off my dresser. I chuck my phone across the room, shattering it. I search everywhere for a razor. I walk into the bathroom and open a new one.

"I'm tired of living" I say as I slide the blade across my wrist

"I have cancer... Im dying anyway. So whats the point?" Another cut

"Bradley doesn't really want me" cut.

I watch as the blood escapes from the fresh wounds. Throat burning and eyes filled tears, I begin to cut more.

I drop the razor and I lean back, my vision begins to become blurry. I hear a faint voice calling my name.I then see a blurred figure in front of me, screaming my name.

I feel as I'm lifted up. My breath starts getting shorter and I can't barely see... Then everything stops.


I look at Bradley, embarrassed as I try and hide the scars.

He gently grabs my wrist and kisses it "battle scars... That's what these are. But you're done fighting your battle alone....I'm here for, helping you fight. I never want to see these again. I'll always be here for you. I love you"


Again thank you so much to brabrinafeels for the a come idea. You're the real MVP.

One more chapter after this then I'm done

Vote and comment what yah think ☺☺❤

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