Paper Work

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A/n this is a short one. Also none of the timing of character really adds up I've tried to add in explanation where I can but just go with it 🤣😭

Word count: 869

*ding* the elevator doors opened onto the BAU.
The raven haired agent step out of the elevator. She was dressed in a fitted black suit with a silk red shirt and black high heels. She was definitely over dressed for work but the blond agent had always liked this outfit and after the weeks she's had she need some cheering up. Her raven hair sitting perfectly curled on her shoulders.
As she walked towards the big glasses doors from the right she heard this oh so familiar sound of derek's baby girl
"emily emILY EMILY" The walking rainbow squealed as she almost danced down the corridor
"And a good morning to you too Garcia"
The older agent laughed
"You up for girls night. I've already asked Elle and Tara and their in" Garcia asked taking note of her friends overly sexy outfit
"Sure sounds great. Is JJ coming" Garcia smiled to herself about how oblivious her two best-friends were to their love for each other
"I'm not sure she isn't here yet" the two exchanged a confused glance
"Strange. She's usually here before all of us. Except Hotch of-course but he never goes home so I don't think that counts" Emily laughed
"I must say I'm loving the outfit but I think you have mistaken the BAU for a night club em" Garcia laughed
"Oh my dear PG the day I mistake this place for a club is the day that you should all put me out of my misery" the two laughed looking through the glass doors into a place filled with the best and worst memories
"after the shootout last week I thought JJ might need so happiness and she's always loved this out fit" Prentiss explained
There was a shoot out with an unsub last week JJ was hit in the arm she was otherwise fine and already back at work but seemed off ever since
"I'm sure she does" Garcia laughed. Emily laughed with her unaware her colourful friend was in fact laughing at just how stupid they were to their own love
The two then walked into the bullpen. Emily's outfit got her a few stares from others
"Morgan I swear to Gd if you sing baby shark one more time I will shove my lasagna down your throat"
"don't even think about it" Rossi threatened starting to go slightly red
Morgan put his hands up in defeat
Reid had his head buried in some book
Hotch was no where to be seen
No one was quite sure what Tara was doing all they knew is she was on the phone to Greenaway and all Emily and PG overhead was Tara saying "but what if they hear him scream" and decided it was best not to ask so they could not be implicated
Reid had introduced the two a while back and was now regretting that decision as the two had turned into one man hating Machine
Morgan had joined back after not being able to take "normal people life" anymore
As Garcia went over to flirt with Morgan and Rossi plugged his ears as to not hear the flirting
Emily went over to their young genius
"So where's my paper work" she asked
"Yh pretty boy" Morgan joined in
"Why would he have your appear work" Rossi and Garcia questioned
"Pretty boy here lost a bet meaning he has to do our paper work this week" Emily explained with a 'pleased with herself' smirk
"It's probably on JJ desk" Reid said without looking up from his book
The four exchanged a confused look
Reid who had now finished his book looked up and saw the look on his co-workers faces so decided to explain
"And she lost a bet to me meaning she had to do all my paper work and since I was doing yours"
Emily was a incredibly angry at the kid but was trying to hide it. She just stared at him worried if she would open her mouth she would yell
"Seriously Reid" Morgan said half jokingly half serious
Emily now having some control followed on
"You made JJ do four lots of paper work what the hell"
"You've made me do all your paper work for a month" Spencer said generally confused
"Yes but she doesn't have an eidetic memory sweet pea" Garcia said in her cheerful as always voice
Only just then had the four noticed that Emily had already left the conversation and was heading to JJs office
No one else would have dared go into JJ's office let alone snooped round her desk. But JJ never minded Emily doing it and they all knew
The agent looked round her friends desk at the mountain of paper work lifting up papers trying to find the work that did not belong
When all of a sudden she fell upon something that made her stop dead in her tracks
Under the hundreds of papers was a small Organge bottle

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