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"For this game, you will be playing in teams of two. Please look around and find someone you wish to play with. When you two agree to play together, shake hands to show that you have become partners"

Sunoo and Sunghoon glared at each other in excitement. "Hyung!" Sunoo said with a huge smile on his face
"Let's be partners!" Sunoo ran to Sunghoon with much excitement
"so then we can both protect each other and win the game together!"
Sunghoon agreed with no hesitation

10 minutes has passed and everyone has already found themselves a partner. Sunoo and Sunghoon is filled with mixed emotions of fear and excitement.

"The time for finding a partner is now over, please proceed to the entrance to start the game"

They proceeded to enter the next game

"In this game, using your set of ten marbles, you will play the game of your choice with your partner. The player who manages to take all ten marbles from their partner wins. You have 30 mins, let the game begin"

Sunghoon's smile quickly faded. Sunghoon nearly dropped his bag of marbles into the sand-like pavement. His breaths starts to become heavy as he realizes the situation him and Sunoo are in.

"....." Sunoo stared soullessly into Sunghoon's broken looking eyes. He grabbed Sunghoon's hand tightly as if he was gonna disappear any second now

"Are you okay?" No i am not okay. Sunghoon didn't know what to think, god he doesn't wanna think. All this thinking is leading to more and more questions, He wished he never paired up with Sunoo.

Sunghoon lets out a heavy sigh, 5 minutes have already passed, they have only 25 mins left. With that amount of time, they could've already decided the winner. Sunghoon couldn't bare the thought that he could lose Sunoo or himself. "I'm okay" Sunghoon replied with a dreadful smile. As he usually does, Sunoo smiled with his typical wide eye-smile, Sunoo is so precious it hurts.

Sunoo then opens out his arms and hugged Sunghoon tightly that Sunghoon could barely breath "Hyung, I don't wanna play this" Sunghoon never felt a hug like that before, he wished of Sunoo to never let go. He too never expected to play a game like this even after the games he had been through. Sunghoon then pushed Sunoo away from the hug slowly and held him on his shoulders "Sunoo... remember me alright? No matter what" Sunghoon let out a tear.

"where's all of this coming from? Of course I'll remember you!" Sunoo replied with a smile.
"I'll remember you forever and ever"
Sunghoon couldn't hold his tears, he had never felt this much affection and love from someone, he finally felt what it feels like to have someone care about you.

"Let's play a simple game at the very end to find the winner. Let's not think about it too much for now"
Sunghoon shoves his marbles back to his pocket.
He takes out his hands and pointed to the red brick wall in front of him. "There, let's each throw a marble and whoever has theirs closest to the wall wins all the marbles, alright?" Sunoo nods since he doesn't have much options at the moment.
They sat comfortably next to each other with arms twined into each other. "Hey, remember that i will always be here alright?" Sunghoon lays his hands on Sunoo's chest.
They stood up getting ready for the game.

"I've mentioned the reason i entered this game, but u haven't mentioned yours"

When they first met, Sunoo saved Sunghoon from falling in the first game. 1 minute was left on the clock and Sunghoon was barely near the finish line. The doll turned around and Sunghoon ran with all the energy he has left. As he was about to reach the finish line, he tripped. He was ready to accept his fate, not until someone held onto him and avoided him from falling and getting his motion detected. Without much thinking, both ran to the finish line and passed the first game. Sunghoon couldn't be more grateful of Sunoo's sudden arrival into his life.

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