Delivery Boy

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EJ has his eyes on a pretty curly haired delivery boy, and Carlos (the person he hates the most) does something about it.

(previously posted on ao3)


What the hell I'm doing here, I don't even like this people, and definitely I don't like HIM. Carlos Rodriguez aka the boy who loves to hate me and viceversa.

We had a sort of past (just months), I'm not sure he even liked me at all but always he looked at me in some sort of way. The first time he kissed me he literally stole it from me while I wasn't looking (thank god my first kiss wasn't with him). Then for some dumb reason I stayed in the park with the (other) gang a few days later, but that's a story for another day.

Now he's trying to kiss me out of spite, 'cause he knows I don't like him, he doesn't like me neither but, he likes to get on my nerves. Also, if I have a crush on someone, for some reason he realizes quickly who it is and does LITERALLY EVERYTHING to stop it, to the point where he humiliates me by telling him or just doing something stupid (it happened 3 times)

If you think this is a 'enemies to lovers' type of story, it is not, and we both know it. Someday he'll probably start dating Seb (I'm praying for it) and I'll be finally relieved even if I'm still gonna be single (that's a sacrifice I'll accept).

So, what's going on right now? I'm hanging with the (other) gang because these last few days I got some eye candy baby (and I need ANY excuse to be around the place without being weird). There's this delivery boy who I'm sure he goes to East High too, we share a class but never really talked (even if I wanted to). Anyways, he looks super cute, adorable and I want to kiss him and ugh I wish I wasn't so shy to maybe go and at least introduce myself and talk or literally everything to get me out of this place, especially away from...

"Okay EJ, I see you" Carlos says approaching EJ. Ugh him.


"He's cute" EJ rolled his eyes 'cause he knew what was going to happen.

"Shut up"

"Make me" He got close, extremely close.

"I think I'm gonna leave" He pushes Carlos and starts walking his way out. Good call.

"No, wait" EJ stopped. Okay, this is new. "Listen, I know we're not exactly friends but, dude, you really look miserable"

"So what?" He really likes to state the obvious, I hate that.

"Well, I don't know if you we're even paying attention, but, now I'm with Seb..." He smiles just thinking about the guy but it quickly fades. "But unless you wanna take me away" Jees, please stop trying.

"Never" EJ smiles at him.

"Noted, Now I actually... want... to help... you?" Yup, this is definitely new.

"What?" He's confused as hell.

"Listen, I'm sorry I ruined 3 of your crushes this past months, but when I started with Seb a few days ago I realized how much of an asshole I was" Carlos looked like he actually cared, EJ just looked at him shocked.

"That's new, you realized something" He teased (if Carlos likes to get on his nerves, he might as well do the same).

"Okay, rude" Carlos rolles his away and sighed. "Anyways, you should stay, you have to leave with Ash and I was just leaving"

"What are you gonna do?" Eyebrow raised at the newfound attitude from annoying kid.

"Oh nothing, see ya EJ" He waved goodbye and started walking away.

That was weird, I gotta tell Ashlyn.

"I just had the weirdest conversation with Carlos" EJ approached his cousin and sit next to her.

"I've seen it, what was it this time?" Ash sounded somehow annoyed. I get it, she's tired of hearing me talking about how much I hate Carlos.

"He apologized?"

"Okay, that is weird, but at least it was nice, right?" She looked relieved.

"I guess..." He considered that maybe he wasn't that bad after all, but nope. "I still hate him though, one apology it's not gonna let me forget all the crap he did"

"I know that." She still looked hopeful, though.

They spent 15 minutes staring at the sky just thinking about life, EJ just wanted to just go home. And thankfully he didn't, otherwise something... something would've happened.

"How did he get my number?" EJ received a text from Carlos, a picture to be exact.

"He asked for it a while ago, guess he never texted?" Ashlyn replied, the boy just sighed and then just panicked.

"Son of a bitch. I'm going to kill him." He showed his phone to his cousin, Carlos left a note on the (cute) delivery boy's bike.

My friend thinks you're cute

If you're interested here's his number


"It's that Slices?" Ashlyn recognized the motorbike, she goes there often.

"He just did it again, he went and made a move on a crush." Her eyes wided at the confession, EJ just stood up and started running. "I gotta go"

"I better hear the rest at home" She shouted from afar.

"No promise" EJ shouted back.

No no no, fuck fuck fuck, this can't be happening, I gotta go grab that note before he sees it.

EJ arrives at the pizza place, thank goodness it was in front of the park.

Bike 1, not there. Bike 2, not there. Bike 3-

"Wow, what are you doing?" Oh shit. The curly haired boy got out from the pizzeria.

"I'm so sorry, my-my... friend..." Ugh "Is- he's a jerk and left a sticky note in h-here" EJ was really hoping the boy wouldn't tell he was freaking out.

"Oh, you mean this?" The boy took a piece of paper from his pocket. It was in his pocket oh fuck, act chill, don't freak out.

"Yes, that, sorry"

"It's okay" He gave the paper and EJ quickly put it in his poket. "You think I'm cute?" He looked at him with a big smile and a little giggle. cute cute cute

"No, I mean, yeah yo-you're fine, I bet everyone likes you. Maybe you're not even single," Why would you say that EJ. I don't know EJ. Just shut up EJ.

"Nope, single"

"Oh" Both boys stared at each other for what like it seemed hours (it was seconds)

"Anyways, I have a job to do," He said and proceeded to put on his helmet and start the engine of the motorbike. "but before I go, maybe you'll want to take another look at the note."

"Wh-" EJ grabbed the note and flip it around to reveal something else written. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit

"See you around... EJ" FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

"You know my name"

"Of course I do" He gave him a smirk and a wink, and then he left, EJ was standing still, shocked.

This gorgeous guy knows my name.

I think you're cute too


Call me
- Ricky

This gorgeous guy knows my name and gave me his number.

Maybe I just hate Carlos even less now.

I still hate him though, a lot.

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