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Me and Sweet pea walk into Pop's to get my food mom just ordered, and I saw these 4 teenagers who looked around my age. One of them had blonde hair in a high ponytail with pastel clothing on, the boy next to her had red hair with a varsity jacket on. The boy across from him had raven hair with curls under the crowned beanie he was wearing and he had a leather jack on with a grey S shirt. The girl next to him had red hair and was wearing all red. I walked up to the counter "We have a order for Lodge" I say "Yes just a second" A older man said that seemed to be the owner. I walk over to the group of teenagers "Hi" me and Sweet pea say "Hey" they all say to us "How are the onion rings here" I ask and Sweet pea elbows me lightly meaning he's asking 'what are you doing' "They are delicious" the boy with the crown shaped beanie said "We'll have some onion rings to please" I shout and the owner put a thumbs up. "I'm Veronica Lodge" I say to them and Sweet pea seems to understand "and I'm Sweet Pea" he says "I'm Cheryl Blossom a.k.a Cheryl Bombshell" The girl with the red hair said. "I'm Jughead Jones, now I'll finally have a name as unique as mine" The boy with the crown shaped beanie says and laughs, we all laugh too "I'm Betty Cooper" The girl with the blonde hair says "and I'm Archie Andrews" the boy with the red hair says. "Well that's good to know. Do you guys go to Riverdale high?" Sweet pea asks, they all nod. "Cool, well I guess I'll see you guys around" I say, they nod. "Are you guys brother and sister?" Archie asks "Yeah" I say "Um Ronnie we need to get going. Foods done" Sweet Pea says. "Oh ok. It was nice meeting you guys I'll see you around" I say and wave. They all wave back. I pick up our food that was on the counter and got in the car. "I saw you talking to some kids they seem nice but the looks of it" my mom said to us "Yeah they are and they go to Riverdale high so I think I'll see them around". "Well that's good" she says and we leave.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I turn it off and get out of bed. I brush my teeth, get dressed do my hair, then I do my make-up. When I'm done with all that I go downstairs to be greeted from my mother and Sweet Pea. "Morning Ronnie" My mom and Sweets said "Morning" I say and sit down to eat my breakfast. It was delicious, this was my first time eating something that was homecooked and I didn't buy it. "Kids come on, I don't want you to be late on your first day of school" My mom says gathering my stuff. "Ok ok mom I got it" I say getting my purse "Bye mom" I say as Sweets hugged my mom bye "Bye" she say's. 

*At school*

We walk into school and all eyes were on us, I'm not going to lie it was pretty uncomfortable until I see Betty and Cheryl come up to me "Hey guys" they both say "hey girls" I say to them "Well I'm your tour guide, so just follow me and I'll tell you guys everything you need to know about the school" Betty says "Yeah and I'll be in the student lounge" Cheryl says and leaves "Ok lets get started then" I say. Betty shows us around, tells us about the school history, tells us about the groups of the school and that's it really. "Well that's the end of the tour. Right now we are supposed to be in 1st Period" She says "Ok I'll see you later" I say and Sweet Pea thanks her for the tour "OK bye" Betty says and walks in the opposite direction (Betty has a different 1st period) we were going. I walk into my first period which was math. When I walk in the whole class turns to me and I see that Jughead and Archie are in this class, so I give them a smile. "Oh Welcome Mr. and Ms. Lodge" The teacher says "Class, This is Veronica and Sweet Pea Lodge, they are new students. Please be kind and I don't want to see people being disrespectful" He says looking at a certain group of boys. "Anyways, miss Lodge you will be sitting next to Reggie Mantle and Chuck Clayton. Boys raise your hands" The teacher says "and Mr. Lodge you will sit next to Jughead and Archie " teacher says telling them to raise their hands to and when I saw one of the boys I was sitting to .I couldn't believe my eyes.......






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