Part 3- Happy Days

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I liked PE too and I played soccer a lot. When I started playing for the local soccer team in goal I made friends from other schools as well, which meant I had a lot of friends. I've always liked being around people and getting to know new people, so I've always had a wide group of friends. Also I used to be friends with girls as well as boys. I wasn't one of those boys who thought girls were smelly and didn't like them; I was kind of friends with everyone.

I got a bit cheekier as time went on, and when I was about eight or nine I started testing the boundaries. I'd often try and get one over on the teachers. I also got much more interested in girls. I only ever got into one fight the whole time I was at school, and that was in primary school. I'm not the type to pick a fight, and if someone had ever tried to start a fight it would make me laugh more than anything.

When I was seven my mom and dad divorced, and that was quite a weird time. I remember crying about it when my parents told me they were splitting up, but after that I was alright. I guess I didn't really get what was going on properly, I was just sad that my parents wouldn't be together any more.

My mom, my older sister Gemma and I left Holmes Chapel and moved farther out into the Cheshire countryside. Our new home was a pub, and my mom became the landlady. There was a boy called Reg living nearby and he was the only other kid in the area, so even though he was my sister's age we used to hang out together all the time. The summer we moved there Reg and I used to go every day to Great Budworth Ice Cream Farm, which was about two miles away. We'd borrow two pounds off our moms and cycle up there and get an ice cream. I can remember that so clearly. It's the same ice

cream farm I took all the boys to when they came to stay before Bootcamp. And the ice cream is still as good now.

On the subject of girls, when I was about six I was friends with a girl called Phoebe Fox. Her mom and mine were best friends, and I bought her a teddy bear the same as my one and everything. She was the cutest little girl. I had a few other girlfriends here and there when I was really young, but I didn't have an actual girlfriend until I was 12. Then I went out with a girl called Emilie, and for quite a long time considering how young we were. She's still a good friend of mine now. I was also with a girl called Abi. I guess you could say that she was my first serious girlfriend.

I've been single now since the end of 2009 and I'm fine with that. I'm not consciously looking for a girlfriend, but if I meet someone I like it would be great. I do like being with someone and if the right person came along, then we'd see what happened.

When I was about 12 we moved back to Holmes Chapel, and that's when my mom met my stepdad, Robin. I really liked him and I was always asking her if he was coming over, but she wanted to make really sure that Gemma and I were okay with him being around. She worried about it a lot, so in the end I used to text him and tell him to come over because I thought he was a really cool guy. I've always got on well with him and I still do now.

I was really pleased when Robin proposed to my mom. He did it completely by surprise while they were watching Coronation Street on Christmas Eve a few years ago. I was at my girlfriend Abi's house at the time and I remember getting a call from my mom and how happy I was when she told me they were going to be getting married. I'm not sure when they're planning to do it, and even though a few people have suggested this, I don't think it's very likely that One Direction will be playing at the wedding.

My mom and I have always been close. I'm such a mommy's boy. I'm really close to my dad, Des, as well, and he's very supportive of everything I'm doing. I think we're probably quite alike in a lot of ways.

My sister and I have generally got on very well too. I know that a lot of siblings argue, and we had our moments when we were growing up, but we hang out together a lot now and she even came on part of the tour with me.

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