Step 1 first sight

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the chirping of crickets in the tall grass greeted you, quiet and familiar.

from the top of the hill you could see the ocean. as you walked, you listened to the crash on the shore, and the seagulls squawking as they settled down for the night.

you loved to  hear stories about the sea. about the merfolk and sea sepents you imagined living far beneath the waves. sometimes you almost convinced yourself you had seen the flash of a shiny mermaid's tail in the distance.

you werent sure what, but something told you that you werent alone, so you glanced around..

there was a bot sitting at the top of one hill, almost completely hidden within the long grass and white flowers surrouding him.

his head was buried in his knees, staring ahead by himself.

for whatever reason- probably just that he wasnt paying attention - he hadn't noticed you yet.

you watched him a minite longer, feeling a little bit like you'd found a deer in the wild.

though deer's didnt have sad frowns. but this new boy did.

you wondered what could have upset him.

after a few seconds, you took a step forward, then another

then he glanced your way. 

his aquamarine eyes reflected the light of the moon. you stopped, raising a hand to acknowledge him and show you weren't scary.

"hey space cadet" you said.

with a start, he jumped to his feet, his hands balling into fist at his sides.

he didnt say anything, just stared at you in a strange way.

he had been crying. there were traces of tears on his cheeks and his knees, soaking the hem of his shorts, and his eyes were still shining with a few more.

you obviously caught him off guard.

his pink cast seemed to glow in the twilight, thought he caught you staring at it, he hid his arm behind his back.

"cove?" you blurted out

"ah-" eyes wide, he studied you.

"how'd you know that?"

you touched the money in your pocket, feeling it crinkle beneath your fingertips.

"i met your dad"

"oh. so is this your hill?" he asked

he guestured with his uninjured arm to the patch of grass that surrounding you, his face falling at the prospect.

"i can leave if it is."

"you cant own a hill" you said.

"why not?"

"how could you?"

"you just do. i had a hill back home"

"well this isnt mine."


he sat back down with a thump, restling his chin on his knees again.

Curious about the strange new boy with the odd dad, you sat on the patch of grass next to him.

the pure white flowers that covered this hill rocked back and forth gently as the starts twinkled above. the way the dotted sky made them seem like flowers too.

the night was cool as it travelled over the ocean and up the hill, chasing away the heat from the afternoon sun.

"why'd your family  move?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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