Ch. 1

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"Wake up! Wake up!"

Kayla slowly opened her eyes, her best friend, Julia tapping her lap her. "The teacher's calling on you..!" Julia continued. Kayla opened her eyes wide open and look at the teacher standing over her. "Miss Kayla...?" The teacher said irritated. Kayla gulped and smiled at the teacher. "Your mother is waiting for you at the front desk." The teacher stated. Kayla nodded then grabbed her lunch bag and headed to the front of the school. "Kayla! You're appointment, remember?" Kayla's mom reminded. Kayla groaned, then grabbed her backpack from her mom and went to the car. 

"Where are you when I need you?" Kayla's mom commented. Kayla rolled her eyes and stared out the window. "Well shoot..." Kayla's mom muttered. Kayla tilted her head at her mom. "The appointment meant tomorrow..." Kayla's mom whispered. "Day off?" Kayla's mom suggested. Kayla rolled her eyes again. Kayla's mom dropped Kayla off at the house. Kayla ran to her room and grabbed her ukulele. She strummed and practiced a song. Her dog waddled into her room. Kayla smiled. Following from behind, her older sister came in too. "Hi~~" Her older sister, Mari said. Kayla glared at her. "Or bye..." Mari said, then left.

Her dog slipped into Kayla's lap. Kayla giggled, then Mari came in again. Mari snatched the ukulele and played a catchy tune. "How's that? I'm thinking of making a song about friends to the end." Mari stated, Kayla nodded. Mari groaned then put her finger's on each side of Kayla's lip. Mari opened Kayla's mouth and made her lip sync: "That was perfect Mari you are the best big sister" Mari pretended to voice Kayla, Kayla smiled. "Why do you only sing but never talk?" Mari said diving onto her bed. Kayla shrugged, then hopped off her chair and took the ukulele back. "Boringg" Mari groaned, then listened to Kayla play the ukulele. "Isn't that the.. erm.. Juliet song?" Mari guessed, Kayla nodded then pointed to out of the bedroom. "Alright fine" Mari mumbled, then left the room.

Kayla sang quietly, "I need to cry, but I can't get anything out of my eyes" Kayla smiled. 

Knock Knock

Kayla strummed. Her mother opened the door, "Sorry! Am I interrupting you?" Her mother asked. Kayla shook her head. "Well, dinner's ready! Strum on, honey!" Her mother said. Kayla sighed, then put her ukulele away and went to the dining room. She grabbed her plate and attempted to head upstairs. "And where are you going?" Kayla's mom asked. Two-faced... Kayla said to herself. She finished dinner, then went back upstairs. "What am I gonna do with that girl? I be nice, in return she turns rude!" Kayla's mom commented. Mari shrugged, "Maybe sent her with dad" Mari suggested, with her mouth full of pasta. Kayla gasped when she heard Mari's suggestion. Kayla frowned then ran to her room and locked the door. She dived onto her bed and tried her best to sleep. Her dog jumped on the bed and cuddled with her.


Kayla woke up and glared at her alarm. She then turned it off and smacked it. Her dog was playing with a chew toy. She had locked her room, making him stuck in the room with her. She got up from bed and changed into her school uniform. "Today is the day..." Kayla whispered to herself. She dashed out of her bedroom, toasted a bread and ran outside and walked to her school.

Kayla hummed as she ate pieces of her toast. 



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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