Snapped Out

107 22 43

Everybody from the replies on my comment say "I" 

Also I re-wrote some stuff to make it sound dramatic  soo-  

Tommy was still on exile, He had always been lonely, Isolated away from love, locked inside a cage made from pure despair (danganronpa fans dni/j) 

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Tommy was still on exile, He had always been lonely, Isolated away from love, locked inside a cage made from pure despair (danganronpa fans dni/j) 

Did anyone even remembered his full name? Did anyone remembered what he looked like? Did anyone still loved him? Was anyone worried for him? 

So many questions 

Tommy distracted himself from his sad world by discovering new hobbies, and one of those hobbies were drawing 

It was impressive, a student teaching himself, not asking for any help at all.  

That's were the fun ended when Dream walked up to him from behind,  "What is  that?" The tall figure asked whilst looking at his drawing "Is that your f*cking persona? That's cringe!" Dream enjoyed seeing the teenager hurt, wether emotionally or not, as long as he is in pain. 

Dream would treat him the worst way possible 

Tommy had enough of this. He's trying so hard not to answer back, thinking it would lead to an argument and a fight

He tried to keep himself sane and stable after all of the trauma he went through as a young boy 

Tommy didn't held back his frustration any longer and yelled at Dream on the top of his lungs, "YOU'RE CRINGE!" 

Dream froze in place 

Those 2 hurtful words rang in Dreams head, He wasn't expecting it from Tommy as he only views him as a weak teenager that was abandoned by everyone. 

Dream pulled out his own drawing it had his fursona, It was a dog wearing the same hoodie and mask as him 


His vision was getting blurry as his salty tears were at the corner of his eyes. 

Tommy was proud he was able to protect himself from a manipulative and sadistic monster 

There were no arguments, no fighting, no anything. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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