Chapter 3: Terror Bird Encounter

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Dr. Smith wakes up to the smell of fresh coffee brewing. He gets dressed and unzips his tent. He steps out to the cool morning, the sun barley up yet. He looks around camp and sees Decker standing by a fold up table, with a camp site coffee maker.
"You're up early." Dr. Smith says.
"Since 5 am." Decker replies.
"Got anymore of the good stuff?" Dr. Smith asks.
"Yeah, here." Decker says, pouring the coffee.
Later that morning, the rest of the team gets up. After having an MRE breakfast, they begin preparing for the day. Decker gets Dr. White and Dr. Prendergast and directs them to gather their gear. Decker walks into the RV and finds Dr. Smith and Dr. Dells. Decker walks over to the weapons locker, unlocks it and grabs a Spas-12. He grabs a case of taser rounds and loads it, putting the extra rounds on his vest.
"We will be back around 1 pm." Decker says to Dr. Dells.
"Ok, see you then." She replies.
Then Decker and Dr. Smith walk out and head over to one of the Tacoma's, where Dr. White and Dr. Prendergast are already waiting in the back seat. Decker gets in the driver, and Dr. Smith in the passenger seat. Decker starts the truck, and they pull out of the camp site, driving along the tree line. They drive for a while, Dr. White taking notes on different types of trees they see as they drive along. After a couple of hours, they come across a herd of animals, Dr. Smith asks they stop to observe them. They climb out and walk to a safe distance from the animals. Dr. Smith and Decker each pull out a pair of binoculars.
"What are they?" Dr. White asks.
"Mastodons, prehistoric cousins of elephants." Dr. Smith replies.
"How interesting." Decker says.
After about an hour of observing, with Dr. Smith taking notes the whole time, totally consumed by this opportunity. The rest of the group are all bored out of their minds. Then Decker notices something.
"Hey doc?" He asks.
"Yes?" Dr. Smith replies.
"What do you know about giant birds?" Decker asks.
"What do you mean."
"Well I just noticed a group of birds about ten feet tall, and they look like they are watching us."
"WHAT! WHERE?" Dr. Smith exclaims.
"About 40 yards behind the Mastodon herd."
"We need to get out here now." Dr. Smith exclaims, packing his stuff.
"Why?" Dr. Prendergast asks.
"Their carnivores, very dangerous, and they are hunting us."
"How do you know." Dr. White asks.
"Because they won't attack the Mastodons, they can't bring one of them down, that leaves us."
"RUN!!!" Decker suddenly yells.
The birds suddenly charge the group, running at high speed. The group run for the Tacoma, quickly climbing and starting the vehicle.  By the time they pull out, the birds are right on their tail. Decker floors it, but the birds keep up. He heads out into the field, past the Mastodon herd. The birds start to catch up, running alongside the Tacoma. They start slamming the truck with their heads, denting the doors and breaking glass. Decker pulls out his sidearm, and fire three taser rounds into the closest bird. The bird jerks back but doesn't stop running. The birds continue their assault against the group, forcing them to drive next to a nearly vertical hill. Decker fires again, but misses. With each head slam, they are forced closer to the edge of the hill. Suddenly the world starts spinning with a full-on body slam from a bird. They roll down the hill, coming to a stop and on its side after slamming into a boulder. Dazed, Decker looks around, expecting to be swarmed with the birds, but finds nothing.
"Everyone alright?" He asks.
"Never better." Dr. Smith sarcastically replies.
"Why aren't they attacking." Dr. White asks.
"How should I know?" Dr. Smith says.
Decker grabs the Spas-12, looking out the window and finds the flock standing at the top of the hill. He then looks in the opposite direction, and sees their way out. He turns to the group.
"Here's the plan. We are going to make a run for it, there is a river about 100 yards that way. I think if we can make it, we can cross and get away." He explains.
"But we will never out run those things." Dr. Prendergast says.
"That's what these are for." Decker says, holding out a flash bang grenade. "It will disorient them long enough for us to escape."
"Well if we are going to do this it better be soon, cause those thing look like they are about to charge." Dr. Smith says.
"Get ready to run for it." Decker says, strapping the Spas-12 to his back.
Decker opens the door and quickly climbs out. The rest of the group behind him. At the site of prey, the birds charge. Within 2 seconds they are nearly on top of them. Decker pulls the pin and throws the grenade. When it goes off, it stops the birds dead in their tracks, and the group take off for the river. As they approach the river, Decker notices something in his peripheral vision. Suddenly a bird comes out of the brush and bites down on Dr. White's neck, killing him instantly. Stopping to enjoy its prize, it leaves the rest of them alone. They reach the river, looking down the steep embankment. With the flock recovered and closing in the on them, they jump for it. Rolling down the rocky embankment and into the river. They sting current swiftly taking them down river away, from the flock, but also away from the camp. 

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