Day 3: Vessel

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~If you don't get why I drew it for this prompt all I can tell you (to avoid spoilers for it :) )is that it's something from a game called Hollow Knight.~

This prompt is easily one of my favourites out of them all just because I got to create my own knight. So without further ado, meet Willow! She's my own original character and she was inspired by an animation on YouTube from SAD-ist. She does have a backstory but I won't put it here for spoiler purposes, but I am open to telling anyone who want's to know about it and doesn't mind the big spoiler that comes with it.


Black Sharpie
Black Crayola fine point permanent marker
Staedtler - Black permanent marker-pen thing
Pencil (shading) (I need a really light grey marker lol)

I completely forgot about this, sorry about that! I will try to post the rest of the prompts I have done today, but no promises since I've been busy lately.

Hollow Knight belongs to Team Cherry, Willow is mine tho :)

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