Hill 493

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Eren finally got an ACOG scope. This would pump his headshot numbers up tenfold. When the American troops overran Taliban positions, the corpses they found looked like they had been shot in the head from behind, but no! That was just the power of the ACOG.

An optic befitting a Corporal.
Oh yeah. Field promotion.


The task that stood before them was of great importance and also of great difficulty.

Hill 493.

It was fortified with bunkers of cement, PKM machine guns littered throughout.

As it was, Eren was near the bottom of the hill, pinned down by the PKMs. He needed a break. And luckily, it came. One of them stopped for a reload. The other one jammed. The third had sabotaged ammunition go off. The fourth just stopped because the gunner had a heart attack.

Eren took the blessing and shouted with all his might. "PUSH!"

Our from the earthworks he leapt, drawing a path in his mind of where to go. He decided his best course of action would be to draw the enemy fire while the snipers dealt with the remaining two gunners. He found a good ditch he could hide in and dove for it. He layer down automatic fire, drawing attention from the main force. Then he heard it.


The gunners were dead. It was Mikasa. Her squad had recently been reassigned to Eren's platoon. By god could she wield a rifle.

He looked behind him.

Krista. The insane woman had come with him bearing a C4 charge.


While Eren covered she planted.
"TAKE COVER!" She shouted.

Eren did as he was told. He dove for the ditch as Krista set of the charge. Eren trained his rifle on the gaping hole in the bunker. He dove in.

Krista right after him.

Terrorist? Bam.
Taliban? Bam.
Child? BAM!

Wait a minute.
"Oh.. oh god. What have I done..."
In the confusion, he mistook a civilian boy for a hostile.
He stared at the boy's face, burning the image into his mind. He would remember him, even if nobody else did.


He snapped out of his trance. He tightened his grip and aimed down the backup red dot on top of his ACOG. He tossed a flashbang through a door and breached it, killing more terrorists as he went in.

"ALL CLEAR!" He shouted.

He leapt through the door, pushing up to the next bunker.

After another half hour of fighting, the hill's defenses were no more. At long last Eren bashed the final hostile with his stock and shot him, finishing the final defender. That was it. The hill was theirs, and the road to Kabul was open.

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