LOAL A-3: Chapter 2: Tests.

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July 25th 1923, Shed station 44. 11:46 A.M.

"Hello, LNER project 50 aka Alex." A voice said. I heard a noise, It was multiple people, Along with them was Controller Topham as I smiled at him.

"Hello Sir!" I said being happy.

"So, The tour, How was it?" Topham said to me as I smiled.

"Pretty good, Vincent was a nice person." I said being enjoyed.

"Good. Good, So do you think you're ready?" Sir topham said to me.

"Ready?" I said in confusion.

"For the tests today." Topham said knowing what he meant.

"Ooooh!" I said as I realized what he meant.

"So are you ready? Mister Alex?" Topham said to me, I nodded.

"Yes sir, Ready sir. What are my tests?" I said as I wondered what it was. Vincent then passed by.

"Well they evolve around you and what you did during your run." Topham said knowing he had added some twists and tricks.

"Okay, So... it's.. about..?" I said not knowing what he meant.

"You're tests will be: Attitude, Strength, Shunting and speed." Topham said explaining them.

"Alright. What do we start with?" I said as I was concerned.

"You will start with shunting." Topham said, I didn't argue back. I just wanted to go with it.

"Okay sir, Got it." I said.

"Let's go to Arshden Yards. You will begin your first test there." Topham said as he climbed on board and we headed toward the yards.

Arshden Yards

"Alright, Begin shunting, I want these in a certain orders. Vans to Grain from Left to right." Topham said being stern, Some men had clipboards and a watch.

"Vans Left, Coal middle, Grain right. On it." I repeated to myself.

"You got 40 Minutes. We will watch everything from here." Topham said as he joined the men.

"Alright, Shunt test! Begin!" The man said, I began to move and thought hard.

"Alright, Vans on Left." I said as I grabbed some trucks and moved them out of the way, Then I put them in the empty siding and began moving vans together and putting them to the left side of the tracks.

"Wow, He's looking good so far." One man said. Then I finished with the vans as I knew it was almost complete, Then I suddenly was spinning my thoughts in circles.

"Here we go. One down, Two to go... Grain on the... right?" I said as my driver looked.

"You got this, We can't tell you cause we would be fired." My driver said as I then began moving the grain trains on the right and moved the coal trucks in the middle.

"Thanks driver..." I said. As the grain cars was set on the right side of the tracks, Then I looked at the coal cars.

"And the rest goes in the middle." I said, I then grabbed some cars when.

"5 Minutes left!" The man shouted, I was running out of time!

"Oh! Got to hurry!" I said, Trying to move points around and getting the coal cars. I then hurried and put them all in the middle and backed away when.

"And... three, two... one!" The man said as time was running down, I then shouted.

"DONE!" I shouted, I knew I completed in time.

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