suspicious note leaving

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Julia dashed to the next shelf, trailing the small pieces of paper in her wake. She had that mischievous smile on her lips again and Jack immediately found himself willingly dashing after her.

"Quick!" she said, her voice almost a whisper. "Slip one in this one."

She opened the pages of a colourful hard cover. Jack pressed a post-it to the type of the prologue.

Julia's laugh rang out. "Perfect." she said, as she dashed off again.

That smile was what kept his legs moving.

They had already been running around town for at least an hour. Julia had been determined to leave a message in every book that started with J, in every library and bookstore they could find. Jack was pretty sure she hadn't calculated the time it would take.

He didn't particularly mind.

There was a patter of footsteps as Julia re-appeared, pressing a neon pink post-it to his forehead with her thumb. 

"That's better." she said, laughing again. As she sped off again, Jack slipped the piece of paper off his forehead.

"Julia was here." It said.

Jack realized the statement couldn't have been more correct.

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