3. Ditching School.

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"Come on Tess. What the fucking hell have you been doing inside?" Hero yelled from outside my room.

"I'm wearing my shoes Hero. Just come in." I yelled back and Hero entered.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." I stood up after tying my shoe laces.

"C'mon let's go." We walked out of the room.

"Where are my parents?" I asked looking around. I remember mum waking me up this morning.

"Oh she and Mateo went to work early today because they stayed home yesterday." He explained.

"Ohhh." I said then we walked out of house. I locked the door with my spare key then we walked towards Hero's car.

"Are you ready Tess?" Hero asked me immediately we entered his car.

"Ready for what?" I asked in confusion.

"Ditch school. Number twelve on your bucket list." He grinned and drove off before I could reply.
* * *
"You are so annoying." I rolled my eyes at Hero who grinned triumphantly.
We walked hand in hand into McDonald's.

"Go find a booth. I'll order." Hero said. I nodded then walked towards a booth closer to the table.
Hero walked towards me and grinned.

"I don't feel comfortable Hero. I feel like my mum's going to pop out of no where and ground me." I said to Hero who laughed.

"Tess calm down. Your mum's at work and plus her office is far from here so don't worry." He said and a waitress walked towards us with two trays.

"Your orders." She said then dropped the trays down.
She looked at Hero and he winked at her. I scoffed.
She rolled her eyes at me then walked away.

"Jealous Tess?" He asked wiggling his brows.

"Oh don't be stupid Hero." I said. I looked at my tray to see french fries, chicken and chips.

"Oh my favorite." I said stuffing fries into my mouth.

"Be ladylike Tess you're disgracing me." He said scrunching his nose in disgust.

"The more reason I won't be ladylike." I said, crumbs of fries falling unto the table.

"You're disgusting." He said then started eating his own.

"You love me." I winked at him swallowing my fries.
"Uggh I'm like so full." I said holding my now bloated stomach after stuffing it with food.

"'Eat little Tess' I said 'but I like food hero' you said." Hero mocked me. I rolled my eyes.

"Is it me or do you look good with bloated stomach?" Hero asked. "If this is how you'll look when pregnant then lemme shoot my seed into you mama." He winked at me.
I was about retorting before a girl shrieked.

Was that voice supposed to be cute cause it should horrible.

"Hero." A makeup filled girl came closer to our table, completely ignoring me. I'm not complaining though.

"Martha?" Hero asked, his brows all scrunched up.

"It's Melinda. Don't you remember me?" She asked.

"From the science fair?" He asked.


"Then I don't remember you." He shrugged. Her face fell before she smiled again.

"From the game with the Tigers. I'm Huston's cousin." She explained, but hero's face showed no recognition.
I coughed before she looked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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