smooth like butter || baldi x reader

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Nothing could have prepared you for college level math.

You're a college student with an average-sized brain, who attends an average-sized university. Math has never been a subject you cared for, much less were good at understanding, but now it was necessary.

Though you swore you wouldn't go to tutoring like all your teachers had recommended, your grades hadn't improved in the slightest. Sporting a D+ wasn't exactly how college was supposed to go for you.

You walked through the halls like normal, though you'd felt something strange all day. It was as if someone was staring holes into your back, though when you whipped your head backwards, you were only met with other students' raised brows.

After the final bell, you found yourself face to face with the door to the tutoring room. You took in a deep breath, unsure why your nerves weren't settling. You shouldn't be nervous. It's just some nerd tutor.

You pushed open the door only to feel your heart drop into your stomach.

You felt the same sensation as earlier once the two of you met eyes; like he could burn holes into yours.

Your tutor was leaning his lean body against his desk in the front of the room. His jeans were tight against his skin, showing off pretty much *everything* you'd want to see. His turtleneck was similar, the skin tight, bright green fabric showing off a slight curve under his hip.

Your eyes traveled upward, taking in the redness of his lips, his bulbous nose, his eyes as deep as space. He had a single strand of silky ginger hair poking out from his smooth, bald head.


Even his husky, Squidward-esque voice did something for you.

But something about his head... You wanted to run your hands over it, feel the soft skin on top between your fingers.

*I want to lick it.*

Baldi had absent-mindedly grabbed a wooden ruler, stroking it between his hands with a smack onto his hand every now and then. "You're two minutes late. Take a seat."

"Um, okay," you choked out. "Sorry, sir."

You quickly sat down, your breath hitching when he took a seat beside you, explaining that you'd go over your last few tests.

No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't focus.

All you could think about was how soft he must be...

Without thinking, you reached forward and grabbed his head like the claw in a claw machine.

Your eyes widened, mortified by your behavior, but you played with the skin on the top of his head, rubbing it gently with your finger nails.

You could have sworn you heard a pure escape your tutor; Baldimore, Baldi for short, he'd told you.

Baldi stuttered, and you yanked your hand away from his head. He cleared his throat before speaking; "Clearly, something is distracting you."

He paused, and you looked down out of shame.

"Get it out of your system."

Your head jerked up, meeting his gaze. "You- what?"

"I said," He leaned forward, your heart climbing into your throat. His pecs were at your eye level, and you traced the lines peeking out of his shirt in your mind. "Get it out of you'd system. It's got something to do with my head."

Beads of sweat collected on your forehead, your hand trembling with the desire to reach out again and grab his head like a bowling ball. You carefully considered what he said, and the truth is, you weren't sure if you could control yourself for much longer...

You leaned forward, propping yourself up on the chair. Your eyes met the squishy, pink skin on his head. You rubbed it gently until you heard the purr from him again, and you couldn't handle it anymore.

You leaned down and dragged your tongue along his scalp, feeling the smoothness. The licking sensation caused noise to escape Baldi's luscious red lips, and you knew you had to do more.

You sucked on his head for a bit, like it was a big, round lollipop. You pulled some of the skin between your teeth, biting gently at first, and then harder to leave a mark.

You felt accomplished, leaving a hickey on such a beautiful head.

You wanted to plant more and more hickeys until they decorated his cranium, until he knew that his delicious bald head was all yours.

But instead you settled back down into your seat, feeling even more satisfied with yourself once you saw Baldi's flustered face, muttering words, trying to find the right sentence.

"Okay," you leaned forward, almost whispering to him, "I'm ready now, Baldimore."

smooth like butter || baldi x reader Where stories live. Discover now