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When your really Angry you want to stab someone, and watch them bleed. I feel like that sometimes, I feel so angry and unheard, that I want to punch a million holes In my wall, so that it looks like a bursting ants nest. When your learning to deal with problems you immediately go towards violence. When my brother teases me or gets me In trouble the first thing I think about is to hit him so hard that he bursts into tears, so that I could get the satisfaction I needed to feel like I got my revenge. But I always feel bad afterwards and I wonder to myself, why is that? When I'm thinking of world problems like the amount of sexual assault cases and rape cases that have been happening in our world right now, it makes the newest generation of young people think that just saying "no" or "stop" isn't enough. And the only way we can protect ourselves is violence, it angers me that our generation my generation feels this way. It is the fact that the older generation has done nothing about these problems. more than 90 percent of women in the world has had some sort of connection with sexual assault and rape. I am disgusted with the fact that more than half my friends have Been sexually harassed or catcalled for being themselves. When I say I am angry, I don't mean I'm sad. When I say I am angry THIS is what I am referring to, being a human in this world is a privilege, but now I'm just lucky to not want to be or feel the need to be dead.

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