The Book

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descreption: sorry if you don't like it and thank you if you love it good bless you any way sorry if my spelling is wrong or my grammar is wrong?  I'm really² sorry hope you like it.


June 16, 1998 there was a marriage couple,that lives in America. They really² li8ke to have a kid and they decide to make it.

Fast forward  6:30 in the morning

They woke up and they go to the bathroom to take a bath.

Time skip (The wife take preg. Test)

The wife wishing to be have baby rather boy or girl. When she sees it she was very² happy she was pregnant. She ran to his husband and says she's pregnant, the marriage couple was very² happy. The marriage couple decide to go to the doctor to see if it was a boy or a girl.

Time skip (There in the hospital now they go to the doctor and sees it was)

they go to the doctor and sees it was a boy, the marriage couple was so happy

After 9 months

February 21, 1999 the marriage couple kid was born.

After a year (they kid is now 15 yo.)

His dad/mom: honey wake up your getting late from school

Him: I'm all done..

His mom/dad: fast haha now let's go eat some breakfast

Skip time school (bell ring)

His friend: hey bro!  Just in time huh

Him: Sup! Let's go to the classroom now

At the classroom

Adviser: alright goodmorning class

Student: Goodmorning

Adviser: so are lesson for today is shahbensjshebbdhodpq

Time skip (my god) at the cafeteria

There taking blah blah blah

Time skip Bell ring

Adviser: so class you all get going something came up I can't teach right now

Student: OK....


His mom/dad: your so early to get home what happened

Him: nothing our teacher said something came up, she can't teach so are class is dismiss and we don't have home work.

His mom/dad: ohh OK..  Then

Him: I'm going to play with my friends can I get my computer now

Parents: yeah sure honey it's in the room

Him: thank you

Parents: welcome honey

To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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