AU 1

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|Moomy AU (name is not my idea, I've just been surfing Tumblr too much today).|

In this AU, rather than Severus getting a hold of and raising Ambrose, Remus does.

I don't have any specific scenario in mind so we can discuss. I just know (at the moment of typing this, it is subject to change) I want Ambrose to be on the younger range of age.

Additional things:

For less complications, we'll keep his name mostly the same. It's now Ambrose Issac Sirius Lupin.

What he calls Remus often switches between papa and Uncle Moony.

Remus definitely tells stories a lot.

Ambrose still knows he's adopted and knows a little more about his biological father (though I feel like he doesn't know a whole lot of the bad stuff cause Remus doesn't seem like a guy to turn a child against their family no matter what they did. He is mildly aware that his real papa is the reason Uncle Padfoot is in jail).

Likes Harry a lot more now.

Still a Slytherin though the sorting hat wasn't sure at first.

More open about his sexuality.

Was absolutely thrilled to have a baby brother (Teddy) (Open to AU where Teddy is closer in age with Golden Trio).

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