13 1 0

I jolted awake. Head lying on my tear-filled pillow, my body soaking in it's own sweat, heart racing as I retraced the dream in my head. Another nightmare. I sat myself upright, and recognised the abandoned studio around me. The teared sheets covering the windows, and piles of dust and cobwebs in both corners of the left hand wall, and the rusty hinges that squeak with every motion of wind. The springs poking out of the mattress and onto my thigh told me I needed to get up. This was the last night. 

To calm myself down, I picked up my journal. It was a very simple journal, one with plain black text spelling 'journal', plastered onto a solid beige background. I had this because an old therapist issued it to me, before I moved away. Told me it would help calm me down. That motherfucker was right, of course. Gently putting the pen on the paper, I began to write...

Dear Journal,

It happened again. The night terror. He hurt me and dragged me into the bedroom. Touched me.

It made me feel dirty, and small. Like I was completely and fully helpless. 

No one would hear me. I was silenced, and I was alone.

But Today is a new day. He isn't here. I wont let him control me. I'm going to show them how much they missed out on. Prove to them that I am worthy of being successful.

I was accepted into Maldova Prep, they offered me boarding fees which I have to pay off throughout the year through community service. 

If only they could see me now.

Adelia                   7th September

Packing my diary into the suitcase in the middle of the floor, I decided it was time to get ready and make myself presentable. 

Getting out the cold leaky shower, the lights flickered above me. The fly that has been stuck inside for the past 4 months, since I moved in, was getting on my nerves. Buzzing against the unmoveable discoloured glass. Fucking insect.  I let my hair down and felt the long stands hit base of my back. After brushing it out with my fingers, I decided to put some simple makeup on today; a hint on contour, some mascara and nude fade eyeshadow. The pallet was running low, but I will continue to use it until the very last bit of shadow falls off my brush.

Looking back at myself in the mirror, I almost wanted to take it all off and crawl back into the lonesome bed in the corner of the brick-outlined studio. Will it be worth it? What if instead of being successful, I drown in endless debt? Fuck my subconscious thoughts. 

My outfit was a simple yet presentable pair of black thigh high boots, a pair of diamond threaded tights and a long black tee, with white embroidered swirls on the top left. 

As I threw my washed red Demin jacket over my shoulders, I stashed the rather large bulk of cash from my bedside drawer, into my black padded bag, grabbed my suitcase, and left the studio without so much as a goodbye. 


Flagging down a taxi, I scrolled through my messages and Facebook messages to see if anyone had contacted me. Like always, they hadn't. Stop hoping Adelia.

Within the 5 minutes of waiting, men walked past me and whistled like gulls to get my attention. One scrawny lad, looked a few years older than me - possibly early 20s,  even had the balls to come up to me and touch my hair. Notice he had balls. Past tense.

My taxi finally came, and it was a 45 minute journey to Maldova. My new home for the next 3 years. As we pulled through the opening gates - which had soldier-looking men guarding the school - the grandness of the building caught my eye.

It had a large open courtyard, outlined by the road, with students perching on the benches, or on the blankets under the trees, in the shade, to keep from the scorching heat of the sun. But the actual building was a different story.

It had Disney-looking pillars separating the different five-story  buildings. The windows were grand and probably around the same height as me. The brick-like material of the building looked old and warn, but also stable and pristine at the same time. It gave me a grand and wise type of energy. This is definitely the school that will make me rich. Ten-meter-long cracked orangey-brown stairs symbolled the way to the centre of the building.

A voice drew me out from my prolonged gaze at the castle. Making me snap back into the reality of my life. 

"Give me your number, and you can pay back the ride another way". Whilst his eyes were attached to mine, I looked him up and down and tsked in him face.

"Fucking perv", I threw the £20 at him, grabbed my bag and suitcase and left. Now he ruined my mood.


"I didn't want a fucking roommate" Both my arms and legs were crossed, and my eyebrows bunched in fury.

"Now Adelia, as you are part of our community service programme, we are funding your boarding-"

"Well done." I hmphed under my breathe. He gave me a warn look.

Mr Hardgrieve seemed like a relatively nice man. Obviously I just wanted to make it difficult for him. He had light grey hair, that matched his beard and tash. He was a bit on the larger size, but then again, what headmaster isn't?. He has wrinkles from his age, but he definitely only looked like he was in his sixties. He sounded like it too, with his dry breathy voice.

"As I was saying, Ms Raven, you do not get to deicide any plans on your boarding, or who you are boarding with.". I sighed in agreement as he carried on,

"You will be in room 306 in Elmaire hall. Lights out is at 10pm. The gym and swimming pool with be open from 6am till 9:30pm everyday. Dining hall is open from 5:30am-9pm Monday through Friday..."

He carried on speaking but all i wanted was to go and get my dorm ready, grab food, and sleep.

"Have you got all that, Ms Raven?"

"No, but I'm sure I can work it out. Thanks Mr Hardgrive.", and with that, I had my suitcase and schedule in one hand, dorm key in my pocket, and navigating my way through the building to find wherever Elmid block is, or whatever he called it.

Editors Note

Hi Readers :)

This is the second part to this story, and I promise it will get better!

I apologise if the spelling is off, or if the words are a bit wrong. I have tried to go through and edit as much as I can, but there may be a few bits which I do not notice.

My story is going to progress throughout, and hopefully the language will as well. 

If you have any pointers, guiders or anything in general to help, please let me know so I can make my stories better for the audience.

Thank you for Reading No... Maybe yes. Enjoy.

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