Fre-Men Military Dossier•

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'Fremen-Tumbleclore Military Dossier
If you have viewed this file, congrats! You are in the military!
Let's go over how things work.
So your job is to protect the group of Fremen-Tumbleclore and its citizens! Pretty nice. The only catch is, you could die. Many of the basic things have already been skimmed through in training, but here's your basic loadout. ead: Bulletproof helmet. Has night vision goggles, and a transmitter.
Chest: Fremen-Tumbleclore Stillsuits (cleans and recycles body moisture) and a F-TC Official Tactical Armor, bulletproof with a communication device, and several different tools.
Hands: F-TC Gun, with a fast fire rate and automatic reload (with the official tactical armor), and an extremely accurate scope. Bullets are built to cause the most damage possible, and Max Bullets, which target vital areas, such as the heart or femoral artery, can be used. Max Bullets are limited, so you need a special permit for access.
Our divisions:
Standard - All around, basic training
Fedaykin - Our guerrilla fighters.
Champagne Supernovas - Highly trained people, good in most forms of combat.
The Benchgoers: They mainly stay at the back, and call in ranged attacks. Very little of the time are they on the battlefield.
[REDACTED] - These directly serve the Council and the Directors.
Have fun at the military! I hope you kill it out there!'''

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