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A/N am bacc >:), enjoy!

Beep Beep Beep, Kahil groans reaching over a sleeping Koda to turn off the alarm. Koda groans as well feeling around the bed looking for his warmth. In his sleepy haze Koda finds his living body pillow and pulls him back down to the bed, snuggling into his chest. 'This is nice...', Koda thinks as he opens his eyes he notices he's laying on Khalil's bare chest. Feeling a bit devious, as well as wanting to pay the rabbit back for last night, the bird bites into Khalil's side. "Ow! Koda, what the heck?!" He simply just leans back and laughs, "Its payback for this," Koda points to the now light purple and red mark on his neck. Kahil avoids eye contact, scratching the back of his head, "you're the one who told me to be quiet, besides, look at me!!" Kahil gestures to himself, from his neck down to his v-line and further is covered in little purple and red marks as well as bites. "I will bite you, some more." The two hold each other's gaze, trying their best to seem intimidating, obviously we know who won but let's just play along for now. They both start laughing, 'He's so beautiful when he laughs.'

Soft knocking grabs their attention. Koda gets up and throws a clean hoodie at Kahil who puts it on, remembering he's not wearing a shirt. The bathroom door closes as Rezune walks in. 'When did Kahil get that hoodie? Was he here all night? Are those..?' Rezune scans the room then Kahil, who is awkwardly sitting on the bed with the blanket covering his legs. "Where's Koda?" "Showering" "Didn't he shower yesterday?" "Uh maybe, I don't know why?" Rezune's smile grows larger as he interrogates Kahil, he's not an idiot he already knows what happened between the two but teasing the rabbit hybrid is so much fun, especially when he gets flustered. This loop of questions and short answers begin and goes on for at least 20 minutes.The brown haired male thanks the gods as he hears the bathroom door open. Out steps Koda, freshly shaven and with a haircut, his wings visibly bigger and fluffier as well. Not only is Koda fresh out of the shower but he's groomed, his hair is still wet, he himself is still wet, and he's not wearing any clothes...'Oh. My. Semua. My nose is going to start bleeding. Was he this hot yesterday? Did he have all that muscle yesterday??' Rezune just ignored the partially naked man standing in the bathroom door. Rezune clears his throat, turns his head to Kahil, and continues to ignore the wet naked person standing by the bathroom door. "Anyway I came to tell you two that Yuuzen is making breakfast so hurry up and get downstairs." Kahil nods and Rezune leaves, closing the door behind him.

"Will you please, put some clothes on?" "I feel like sporting today naked-" "Absolutely not." Kahil is quick to hush up Koda and glare at him, he's not usually a jealous person and he just met his fated mate, his fated! A one in a billion chance...he can't help it. Just the thought of someone else making eyes or flirting with his man gets him heated. He really likes Koda already and he doesn't want anyone getting in the way, fated or not. "Are you getting jealous, Kahil?" Koda's voice is heavy, his body shudders when he hears his name. Koda walks to the bed, resting his hands on the edge and leaning closer to Kahil. "I mean, yeah I am, you're mine are you not?", says the brown haired male, trying his best to seem relaxed. "Well yeah, do you not remember biting my nape last night? If not it's okay, I do, I remember what it felt like to feel your lips and teeth on my neck. Do you want me to-" Koda's sentence is cut short when he gets a pillow to the face. "That's enough out of you, get dressed and get downstairs." Kahil gives the male a 'that's enough playtime 'look, making Koda's wings droop as he digs through his clothes to find an outfit. The rabbit giggles, putting a pair of pajama pants on and walking down to the dining room himself. 'I've found the one, and I'll protect him however I can.'

"Kahil...I need help...", Koda calls from his room. Kahil pops his head back in, finding Koda in the middle of the room struggling to put his shirt on with his wings. "Can't you ever do anything the easy way?" the brown haired male laughs. "You wouldn't believe how many ways it's physically impossible to do anything the easy way." Koda replies handing his lover the scissors. "Is that a dig at me?" "I've never heard you use the word 'easily' before." "We just met yesterday." "Oh yeah?", Koda smiles at himself while the rabbit cuts wing space into the shirt. "Oh right we have to go shopping soon, obviously." "Oh, that's not going to be a problem." "Have you even done something like that before?" "Well..." Kahil's brows furrow at him. "I...uhh...", Koda trails off. Kahil crosses his arms. "You've never been shopping?!?" Koda just shrugs, "I guess it's not really my thing." Kahil is quiet for a few seconds, "Well I'm not going to ask you to do something you don't want to do-" "No! I-I'd love to go with you.." Koda gets quieter as he continues his sentence. The rabbit looks at the crow with a hint of a smile, "What if we go today? You can be my escort." "Yes Kahil, of course!" Koda's smile grows, and his wings start to flutter as he can barely keep his childish excitement. "We'll tell Yuu and Rez when we go down."

boom, a bit shorter, 993 words but its a bit rushed >.<
see you next time, ciao~

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