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Just wanted to pop in to say hi, but this story sucks HAHHAHA -T

Stop being rude -Abby

You both suck -O

All my life I've been called 'useless', that 'I should give up' or that 'I should kill myself'. My mom always told me to keep my head high and not listen to them, because they don't know how strong I am, but for the first time in my life, my mom lied to me. I wasn't as strong as I seemed, I was quirkless, even my own childhood friend told me to kill myself. I didn't matter anymore.

I made a plan, that I would write notes to my mom, the teachers, and Kacchan. I knew no one could stop me, no one had the strength. When the school bell rang, I went up to the roof. I already put my note to my mom on my pillow, I gave the letters to my teachers, and I left my personal note on Kacchans desk. I wanted to go out painless, but I knew I didn't deserve it. I slit my wrists, filling them up with open wounds, blood dripping down to the ground of the roof. I stood on the ledge as someone opened the roof door. I was curious who would save me this late.

It was him. Kacchan. Why was he here? He doesn't care. Why is he crying? It's his fault. I smiled before letting go and falling peacefully...

but, I guess things never go my way. He grabbed onto my shirt, preventing me from falling. I looked at him.

"Let me go. I won't bother you anymore." He looked at me too.

"Not until you hear what I have to say." His voice was gentle, something I never thought I would hear again. I sighed and let him pull me back. He held on tightly to my shirt, as if I would jump when he would let go. He sat me down and sat in front of me.

"I'm sorry." He said. What a joke. I laughed at him.

"Yeah, I don't believe that. After everything, you're just gonna sit in front of me and apologize like this. I can't believe you right now." I held my head in my hands, laughing and crying at the same time. He looked in disbelief, he was being nice to me, but he couldn't believe I wouldn't accept his apology.

"You really are stupid." I said before getting up and leaving. He tried to talk to me, trying to apologize better, but I never listened.

That was months ago, it ended with me leaving him at the gate to rethink his life, what he didn't know was how I disappeared that day. The league of villains took me in, promising a perfect life where no one could boss me, where I wouldn't be useless, where I wouldn't be.. me. When I joined, for the first time in my life, I was happy.

"Come on Izukuuu!" Toga yelled, dragging me out of the bathroom.

"Toga, I don't want a makeover!" I yelled back, desperately trying to grab something that would stop her from pulling me. I realized a second to late that I accidentally grabbed onto Dabi's arm, but I decided to look at him anyway.

"Dabi, please help mee!" I pleaded, desperately grabbing onto him. He smiled at me then started to drag me like Toga was.

"NOO!!" I yelled louder as I got dragged into the bedroom. Shigaraki apparently heard all the commotion and decided to check out what was wrong, but then he turned around as we were all piled on each other, laughing. After we calmed down I finally agreed to letting Toga make me look like her, which proceeded to take an hour because we couldn't keep staying on track. Once Toga finished I looked in the mirror and smiled. It wasn't bad, but I definitely did not look like her. I turned to them and hugged them both, then I walked out from our room. I ran into the living room and flopped on the couch, surprising Shigaraki who was on the other couch we had.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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