1) biology is as easy as abc

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Bethany Edwards loved biology. Mind she loved biology for all the wrong reasons - namely, the fact she used it as a gossip session and rarely needed to study for the material. Effy was a clever girl, a bright girl. Effy was the kind of girl people hated because she rarely revised but always had good grades - and despite what people think, she doesn't flirt with the teachers.

Effy was the kind of girl to know everything about everyone, she liked to say she wasn't judgemental — but she definitely was judgement. She was after all, a teenage girl.

Biology was a class all of Effy's siblings had taken and passed with flying colours — other then Imogen, who hated anything "nerdy" and was more fashion and dramatics based.

In biology, Effy was lucky enough to sit by the guy she liked. And despite how much Jessica and Lauren begged Effy to put in a good word, she never once told Edward about the delights that were her friends. She was maybe a little bit of a snake — but most high school girls are!

Edward Cullen didn't speak to people outside his family, at least he tried not to, Effy however had a major crush on him and often talked to him in class and sometimes it was a little hard not to be interest. Sometimes a little bit of drama was all a boy needed to spice up biology class.

Sometimes people would call the two friends — the two often disagreed. Edward did not care to speak to Effy outside of their one class together, as lovely as she could be, she was scary. Sometimes Edward did wonder what it would be like to be close with the girl, sometimes closer then he'd ever admit to thinking, but Effy was too much herself. In all honesty, he didn't understand how Jasper and her were supposed to be — but biology believed they were and Alice was doing her best to play match maker. Edward wasn't just scared of Effy, he also feared what Alice would do if she knew he'd even consider Effy as more than friends — she was very protective of her best friend.

But, being the simple minded human she was, Effy was very interested in Edward. He was attractive in a vampire book boyfriend kind of way, he was funny sometimes and he could be nice when he wasn't in a mood.

They never considered each other as friends, but Effy sure wouldn't mind being more than that.

Being partnered with effy could be hard, hearing her thoughts was sometimes painful. She was a vocal person and people often thought her words were brutal, but god were her thoughts worse. Sometimes Edward feared the colour of his socks would send the girls thoughts into a spiral — she may not have been the fashion obsessed teenager, but she still cared for the aesthetics of clothing and style.

But, when Effy was happy, her thoughts were more focused and not so wild. And, those days, Edward was able to enjoy class with out the worries of a headache.

The two didn't consider each other friends, no one believed they could be friends. He was Edward Cullen: a quiet freak who didn't speak. She was Effy Edwards: a woman with too many opinions. Their friendship would never work, at least people said that.

The two often shared lovely conversations at the back of the class room. A good word about another person, a theory shared or even a gossip about something that didn't directly affect the two. Those were lovely times for Edwards head.

Edward and Effy were Banner's most smartest and confident students in the subject, even if the professor did not like the latter he had to admit she was rather intelligent. People did not assume that when looking at the girl, but she was!

Banner always believed the Edwards family were intelligent. Adeline and Oscar had been two of his favourite students, they were much politer then their youngest sister and had perused a job with biology. Effy was equally as smart as the two, but she did not want to apply biology the way they had, she took the class in order to have enough credit to leave high school with a diploma and as biology was as easy as her life can get. Effy wanted to be an artist, she wanted to be someone with something to say, she wanted people to feel her feelings to know her thoughts — Banner thought it was a waste of time, something he had expressed to the two youngest Edwards. Imogen had dropped out of biology be the end of the second lesson, declaring it a waste of time when she was a model. It seemed the children got more useless the younger they were.

Effy and Edward often compared notes, they often had different views on science, and maybe that's why there lessons went so quickly and they learned so well together. When comparing notes they got to understand the others stand point. Effy loved to argue (and god did everyone know it) she learned best when things were dramatised.

Homework assignments were not Effy's strong suit, however she did live with a single father and a ditzy blonde. The girl often cooked for her hard working father who worked long, long hours to provide for all his children, not just the two who lived with him.

The teacher stood in front of Edward and Effy's desk, dropping a book hard on the table. The two looked at Mr Banner, as he huffed at them. "Bethany."

"Effy." The girl corrected, she had not been called Bethany since her mother had ran away with the milkman — maybe he wasn't the milkman, no one knew who or why she ran off, but regardless the woman ran away and Effy refused to go by Bethany.

When Effy and Immy had been only one nearly two their mother had ran away, and almost all the siblings refused to fully go by their long names. Mind, it was Imogen's delayed speech that had caused the nicknames, but all the children (who half were adults now with careers) much preferred the childish shortened names.

"Where's your homework."

"I told you I wasn't going to have time to complete it."

"And why is that?"

Effy raised her eyebrows, head tilted. "Two days is not enough time."

Mr Banner shook his head at her, disappointment radiating off him. "If everyone else can get it complete, so can you."

"Addy says you're damaging my mental health when you compare me to other students." Effy watched the man turn his back to her and walk away. He moved to the front, drawing the tables on the white board. Names written on the chairs where the students sat.

Banner began to erase names and switch them around. Effy and Edward shared a look — despite how annoying she could be and her thoughts about him, Edward would much rather sit next to Effy and her drama then sit next to someone less competent.

The man huffed again. "Find your seats."

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