Midnight fall

11 2 0

Trigger warnings: stabby mentioned and str@ngl!ng/ch0king

I wake up and look at my clock "3:00 am? My alarm goes off at 7:00-" I get up and out of bed anyway and walk to the kitchen and grab a glass before filling it with water, I turn around and as I go to drink it I see a shadow move, I drop my glass as my heart starts beating faster and harder as I slowly creep to where the shadow went suddenly I get tackled to the ground and the person starts strangling me, I manage to get them off me and I get up and run towards the kitchen frantically looking around before grabbing a knife and sneaking back to where I was tackled looking around silently for it as my heart goes back to normal, I don't see anything so I look behind me, towards the kitchen and I see an open window "that wasn't open before..." I say before walking towards it, before I slip on the water and broken glass, the knife goes through my eye and I bleed out on the floor before I blackout I hear someone or something giggling above me.
That was 202 words (not counting this) It's short I wrote it in class for bell work in like 5-10 minutes XD

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