Catching x Up

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The walk back from the café was certainly something. Kasai was a gentleman and offered to walk Y/N home, but upon remembering her and her brother were A-rank criminals who lived in a hideout, she knew she had to refuse, much to her dismay. It made her realise just how deprived of love she really was. They had known each other for a week, and she was already getting excited at the mere thought of him walking her home.

Chrollo was a good brother. He took care of her, protected her and taught her nen, but he was it. He was all she had. The troupe were her family, but aside from them, she never really had a life. In her 21 years of life, she had only one friend, Meita. They had practically grown up in the same house. But again, that was all she had.

Kasai was the first new person that had entered her life in years. When there were new troupe members, Y/N would show up. Otherwise she missed all the meetings, all the plans, all the massacres. She only showed up when she was needed, when the troupe needed help, which was never. So she stayed in the shadows. Some members were more distinct in her memories than others. She recalled a man named Hisoka.

He didn't scare her, no. Nothing scared her. Death was something that lingered on her mind a lot, as it would if you were a criminal. If I die, the spider lives on. The legacy lives on. If I die it'll be for the spider and for no other. It'll be for Chrollo and no other. What else matters?

What else matters?

Kasai's POV

Interesting, he thought. His coffee date with the girl was a sudden impulse he had, just a thought. He didn't exactly like making new friends. His only priority was the spider, and killing them.

Kasai's family was murdered in cold-blood 8 years ago by the Phantom Troupe, an infamous band of criminals. They were ruthless and heartless, only showing compassion if it's one of their own that has had their life taken away from them.

I vowed not to make new friends. Just being with Leorio, Killua and Gon puts them at risk. The troupe know my name, what I look like, and my motives. They must, if Pakunoda died.

He didn't know why he helped the girl out in the bookstore. He didn't know why he agreed to go to a café with her, in fact, it was his own idea. What was the girl doing to him? Definitely a nen user, I can tell by her aura. Is her nen ability similar to Bai-? His mind stopped.

Baise. Another person he had known who's life had been taken away. Taken away by the Troupe. Ruthless. Taking whoever's life they could for something as material as auction items, it made him sick. The selfishness one must have. The heart. No, you wouldn't have a heart to do such a thing.

But she did. She couldn't be a troupe member.

Could she?

Third Person POV

The cluelessness of them both was entertaining. The way they both lived for each other's presence but would kill if they knew who they truly were was comical. Two perspective people fooled by the trick of the other. Ironic.

Lilith, who had been with Adam for her own personal gain, had fallen in love. Adam did not expect to love such a person, knowing or not knowing who she was, but he did. They loved each other, whether they liked it or not. They lived for the other, whether they could help it or not. Comical, one would say, or beautiful, another would say. How one heartless creature could love a pure, tainted soul.


"I see you back from the date."

"I'm guessing Brother told you? Well it wasn't a date Fei, it was a casual meeting with a good friend." The words Y/N was saying to Feitan were more to her heart instead. She knew what it wanted and was determined to not let it get the best of her. She had met him to talk about life and books and poetry, nothing more.

"Sure. Danchou out, won't be back soon so shouldn't wait."

"I won't. I'm going to the bookstore. If Chrollo comes back early, you know what to tell him."

Y/N wasn't quite sure what motivated her twisted mind to read, but something clearly did. She listened to whatever the voice in her head was saying this time, and strolled down the pavement. Perhaps a part of her hoped to see Kasai? No, not a part. All of her wanted to see Kasai. It was absurd. There was a whole city that he could be in yet she chose the place that she saw him once. She knew it was silly, but her heart wanted to try and knowing she had nothing better to do until her brother came back, she went.


He wasn't there. Of course he wasn't there. He said he had business to attend to for the rest of the day, that's why he wanted to go to the café at such an early time.

But it still hurt.

Everything hurt. How much she was addicted to him, how deprived she was, how confused she felt. It was blinding her vision, her morales. It had completely and utterly destroyed her mind. A simple interaction with a soothing individual had turned her mind 180. If she had known she had done the same to him, she would be ecstatic. If he knew he did the same to her, he would be ecstatic. But they didn't.

"Do you need assistance ma'am? You've been standing here for quite some time now, are you searching for anything in particular?" It was the librarian.

She was in fact searching for something in particular.

Not Kasai.

Not Chrollo.

She wasn't even searching for William Blake.

She was searching for her soul.

"I don't need anything." She choked out, lying.

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