My Mural

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Soft Pico x Female Reader

This story is inspired by the FNF Soft Mod!

~Disclaimer: This story contains content only for mature audiences. Reader discretion is advised.~

~Foul language~



~Cover art not mine~


Y/n - Your name

E/c - Eye color

H/c - Hair color

H/l - Hair length

H/t - Hair texture/type (ex. curly, straight, thick, thin,  ect.)

F/c - Favorite color

Unquoted Italicized - Thoughts

Bold - Text messages

Miscellaneous -

If you haven't played Soft mod, I highly recommend. Keep in mind there will be spoilers/hints throughout, you may not understand if you haven't played it

In the mod and for this story, Keith(BF) is named Benjamin (nicknames Ben, Benji, ect.)

In this story, Pico x Benjamin don't exist. Yeah yeah I know, they are technically a couple in the mod. But my story, my ideas, my rules! And no, this is not a post relationship (so like, before they even got together). They are only friends, they don't have feelings for each other in this story, at all

You went to school with Pico and Benjamin...You and Ben both know that Pico wasn't the attacker (REFERENCE TO PICO'S SCHOOL)

Benjamin beeps out of excitement, happiness, nervousness, embarrassment, and fear; not often however

GF will be mentioned, but her identity won't be completely given (Grace is soft mod, Genna is my name for OG, you'll understand eventually)

Pico's appearance is inspired by graffiti artists, dark clothes to match the shadows and the mask/bandana to not inhale spray paint fumes 

Your background -

In this story you are Benjamin's cousin, so not only do you know about the abuse he endured but you were also abused by your aunt and uncle (referenced in story)

Okokok, the song Playdate for Ch. 3 isn't for that anymore. Instead, this is a song you and Benjamin came up with as kids. You both sang every time you went to see each other. It's not GF's song anymore, its yours and Ben's (so think of GF's parts as yours and Ben's stay the same, referenced in the story)

Your parents were verbally abusive. When you seen Benjamin get in trouble for something at his house, you would take the blame and endure the evil things his parents would do to him because they were wicked and you hated to see him cry (referenced in story)


Y/n POV:

I was sitting on the couch with my boyfriend watching a movie. We wanted to watch an old horror movie, so we decided to watch Friday the 13th.

"This is so predictable," Pico laughed, shaking his head.

"I know, I thought it was going to be really scary when I first watched it when I was little." I said.

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