The Gentleman

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*Curtain goes up*

Footsteps heard approaching as two gentlemen enter the centre of the hall.

MADAM: Welcome to The HOUSE OF PLEASURE, Sir. The most elegant brothel of the town, reserved only for the high-class people or the Amry generals. Why don't you take seats while the girls come?

Both men took a fine look at the place. Old establishment but maintained well with best possible care. Walking inside the main hall, their eyes scanned the place. The whole place was dimly lit with candles and lamps, the hall had wooden walls and floors, and the furniture with matching colour, although the artefacts on the wall were fake but still fulfilled its purpose of giving the hall an impression of richness and class.

Finally, impressed with the place, both rests themselves on a big leather couch facing the gigantic space at the centre of the hall and the open stairs which were on the opposite side of the hall.

Meanwhile, the girls (prostitutes) came down the stairs and lined up at the space in the centre of the hall facing the gentlemen. Smiling, winking, and throwing lucrative gestures at them by showing their half-naked body.

And why shouldn't they put effort? even though the House Of Pleasure was considered the most classy and expensive brothel even among neighbouring towns, the customers they had were mostly the rich old men of this war-torn town who managed to stay unaffected from the restrictions of the war or the army generals who would just rough them up. Such gentlemen walking in through the doors the house must've felt like a fairy tale coming true for them.

Madam (in impressive voice): These are the finest girls you'd ever find in this doomed country Sirs. I assure you each of them is clean and well maintained like the celebrities themselves, and on top of that, they know all the ways well to reach a man's heart, Sirs. These girls are a total package. Make your choice.

MAN1(not giving much attention to Madame's words): Keep your formalities for my friend it's his first time here or even at such a place.

MAN1 (signalling to the tall blonde girl standing in the middle of the queue): I've already made my choice as soon as this blondie stepped into this hall.

The blonde girl walks towards the MAN1 and sits on his lap and started caressing his hair.

He then turns towards MAN2

MAN1: What about you my friend, which one do you pick?

MAN2 takes a thorough look at the girls. Seemed like trying to read something on the girls. Something beyond their smiling, winking, making lustful gestures, their clothes.
After a minute of scanning through all the girls. He shifted a little bit on the couch and straightened his back, as his eyes were fixed on one of the girls.

There she is, standing almost at the end of the line, an average height petite girl, black curly hair long enough to brush her hips, wearing a white gown like other girls but in the least revealing manner. Unlike other girls, she wasn't even making any eye contact or making any lewd gesture that she must have been taught to do to lure customers.

Maybe she was trying to hide from all this. But since she had to stand perfectly visible in the queue, as per the strict instructions from the house mistress, she couldn't hide physically, so maybe she was trying to hide in her mind, in her thoughts? Maybe that was the reason she was looking down and had a blank expression on her face.
And was that the reason his eyes got stuck on her? Maybe because she was the odd one amongst the other 14 girls in the same queue?
But one thing was for sure, she did catch his attention, and made all the other girls invisible in his eyes.
Eyes still fixed on her, he lifted his face and tilted a bit towards the right where his elbow was resting on the sidearm of the couch and now his finger gently brushing the end of his right eyebrow.
THE GIRL felt the unspoken communications of the other girls and when looked up, saw a gentleman's eyes directly glaring at her. she quickly corrected her stance and tugged the hair behind her ears, that was falling at her face. Feeling ready now, she took a deep breath and raised her face again to finally take a look at the gentlemen, as all this time she had her eyes fixed on the floor and she hadn't even seen the guests yet. She just had the idea of two men like figures sitting at the central hall couch.
These were two tall men, one she has already seen before in this establishment. But the second man, who was staring at her, is someone new, dressed up as he belongs from some noble family, fine tailored suit and black over-coat, no mud on shoes mean they probably travel in a horse carriage, gold pocket watch - certainly rich ensures not from this rotten town. Probably they were here for some business purpose with the army general in charge of this town.

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