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"marcel! will there be a season 5 of one day at a time?"

"marcel! are you working on any upcoming projects?"

"marcel! marcel!"

having to nudge my way through a group of people was starting to become a daily occurrence that didn't exactly spark my interest, but it did for sure anger me. i could be doing anything and everything and they would be right there, right at my heels, asking unwanted questions. i no longer felt freedom.

i hung my hoodie over my head and speed walked into a corner café, when i walked in the smell of freshly baked goods seemed to soothe me. remembering the situation i was still in caused me to constantly peek through the door for approaching paparazzi, their navigation skills were a little off which gave me, hopefully, a few minutes to collect myself.

looking around the café i noticed maybe two of three customers and one teenage girl sitting on a stool behind the bench. she seemed to be daydreaming and not exactly in the moment, the rest of the people inside the café were definitely too old to know who i was and if they did know, to actually care. thank fuck for that.

she seemed to notice my presence and looked to me with a grin, "so, you gonna order something?".

i awkwardly smiled at her and scanned the menu, of course my indecisiveness stopped me from making a proper decision. finally deciding on getting a black coffee i made my order.
"really? just black coffee? you make my job too easy" she said jokingly, which caused a laugh to escape my lips.

my mind seemed to be drifting from the thought of being harassed by paparazzi, how could a stranger do that so easily?

"yeah your right i am making your job too easy, can i have a vanilla latte with almond milk. 1 1/2 spoons of sugar, no froth please it tastes funny. Oh! And some vanilla flavouring drizzled into a love heart please" i responded back with a smirk. her mouth was now agape, clearly she didn't expect me to say something back. after a second her shocked expression turned into a sweet smile.
"i'll get that right to you" and with that she walked away to prepare my new, and improved order.

after a few minutes of just standing around awkwardly my order was ready to go, knowing that i most likely couldn't stay made me feel a waver of sadness. "here you go" she smiled again, i smiled back. "thanks" i said before leaving a $10 tip and walking out.

i was harassed once again almost immediately but my last encounter left me with a smile. our conversation was short but sweet. and so i sipped away at my coffee and walked home, paparazzi trailing behind.

when i arrived home i greeted my dog and sat myself behind the kitchen counter, still a smile stay planted on my face. i looked down at my coffee and noticed a range of numbers, that's when it clicked. she had given me her number.

Authors note
first chapter is done, cannot promise that it will stay the same the whole duration of writing but i think it's pretty good so far. also i've been listening to a lot of cute love songs that i recommend listening to while reading (if your a multitasker of course). if i do recommend a song i'll put it at the start of the chapter :)


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