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we all started to drive the boat back to the beach and when we was on land we started to walk back to kais house.
kie - wait guys i live down this road too !
ca - NO WAY !
kie - that's my house over there
kie - YAYY

when we opened the door i saw kais mum , i was very close with all the boys family because when i didn't have a family of my own they would all treat me like their own daughter.
(kais mum is called katie)
katie - AHHHHH KIE

katie dropped what she was doing and ran over to me and gave me a massive hug

katie- ahhhh i haven't seen you in ages !! you look amazing sweetie! your stunning
kie - omg katie i missed you so much !
katie - i missed you too darling , you look so well come on sit down with me and talk to me about everything
kie - omg yes
lu - well we won't see them for another decade , they can talk for years
ol - we're gonna go upstairs kie come up when your done
kie - okk i will

me and katie spoke for hours about everything , i told her all about my new family and what happened at the beach just now. the best thing about katie is that she listens to every word i say even if it is super boring. once me and katie was finally done talking i asked katie what the time was since i left my phone at the beach and she told me it was 11pm

katie - oh honey it's too late for you to go home now , do you want to spend the night
kie - yes please i really don't want to go home get
katie - that's fine darling , go upstairs and you can chill with the boys for a bit and when you want to sleep just go straight into the spare bedroom it's all yours!
kie - thank you so much katie your the best !

i then went upstairs to see the boys

ca - finally !
lu - are you gonna spend the night ?
kie - yeah if that's ok with you all
kai - ofc ! we was gonna ask you to stay round anyways !
kie - ok good

we all chilled out for the rest of the night and we played video games , made food and we was laughing all night. i missed my group so much

kie - it's like 3:30am now ! i think im going to go to sleep
ca - ok kie goodnight !
ol - night kie !
lu - goodnight !
kai - goodnight kie

and then i left and went into the spare bedroom and i immediately fell asleep.

i woke up to people singing next to me i looked over and saw the boys singing a random song right next to my ear

kie - my god yous are annoying
kai - morning princess
kie - what's the time ?
lu - 12pm, ur so lazy
kie - ughhhh
ca - you need to go home gorgeous , your family is going to be worried about you
kie - i know i know

i got up and started to say bye to the boys and once i was done i started to walk back to the sway house, i knocked on the door and immediately griffin answered and when the door opened i saw the whole hype house and away house sat in the living room
looking straight at me

gr - KIE

everyone shouted my name and ran up to me and hugged me

kie - hey guys..
gr - kie i'm so so so sorry about what i said to you
kie - it's fine
th - where did you stay last night
kie - my old friends house
ry - we missed you kie
ni - we was so worried about you
kie - i know i'm sorry
br - you nearly died yesterday kie !
kie - i know !
no - atleast your ok
ja - yeah
kie - do you guys have my stuff ?
jo - yeah it's all in your room
kie - ok thank you

i went up to my room and grabbed my phone then i walked back downstairs and got some food from the kitchen and then chilled in the living room on the sofa when nick and ryland sat next to me , laid my top half on nick and my bottom half on ryland

ry - who are these old fiends of yours ?
kie - just my old friend group that i was close with before i was adopted
ni - what are their names ?
kie - ollie , callum , kai and lucas
ni - oh so they are boys
kie - mhm
ry - can we meet them ?
kie - yeah they live a few doors down
ni - ooo okk

i started to feel myself doze off on their laps..

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