Chapter 1

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Itachi is sharpening his kunai when Sasuke bursts into the room, shoji rattling from the force of his hands.

They both take a moment to stare at each other. Itachi holds the kunai in a searing grip, his knuckles white from exerting quick restraint from the instinctual urge to throw it towards his younger brother. Normally, Sasuke's chakra would be fluttering obviously around his senses, but-

The fingers in Itachi's hand twitch. He can't feel it.

He can't feel his younger brother's chakra.

"Sasuke, is everything alright?" He asks. Don't act rashly, he tells himself as he thins his chakra out, the aura prodding around for genjutsus and the space where Sasuke's body is.

All of a sudden, Sasuke's chakra leaks out, covering him in the usual manner. Itachi's brows furrow as Sasuke's shoulders relax, his unusual chakra control lapsing as they continue staring at each other.

A strange expression spreads across Sasuke's face, the ends of his lips pulling upwards in spasms as if under the sway of an untalented marionette.

"No, Nii-san," He says. The words are slow and purposeful. "Everything is just fine."

He's still staring at Itachi as he says it, making no move to leave. Itachi continues holding the kunai.

"Was there something that you needed from me, Otouto?" He asks. He can only hope that whatever trepidation he feels does not show on his face.

Sasuke shuts his mouth, closing the slight gape of his lips. "I just wanted to know when you'll be back from your next mission."

A part of Itachi softens a little even as the bells in his head keep ringing in alarm. "Don't worry, I told you I'll be back before your birthday. It's not every day you turn six, after all."

Sasuke curls his lips into a soft smile, making his expression more genuine, more him. "Okay. I'll see you soon, Nii-san." He turns away then, socks padding softly across the tatami as he gently shuts the shoji, taking care not to make any noise as it closes.

Itachi's eyes follow him as the shadow passes out of his vision.

He exhales. Slowly, he places the kunai down on his thumb, careful to not push down more than necessary. Once his skin unfurls and exposes a bead of blood, Itachi makes the necessary handsigns for the summoning jutsu and places his hands on the drawer next to him, cautious not to get any blood on the tatami.

Itachi watches as the familiar seals bloom under his hand and Ahō caws and jumps from the drawer onto his shoulder, clearly startled from being pulled from Shisui's family aviary.

"Ahō-chan," He starts to say as her feathers settle, black eyes blinking at him in curiosity, "Please watch over my brother as I go on my mission. Report back any unusual behavior or call for Shisui during an emergency. Remain unseen."

Ahō bobs her head in acknowledgment and starts preening his hair, beak brushing against his scalp with soothing familiarity. Her coddling makes Itachi sigh, but that doesn't stop the warm affection in his heart from sneaking through.

He lets himself streak a finger through her feathers before gently flinging his arm upwards, forcing Ahō to flap her wings and glide towards the open window to a nearby branch.

Itachi's face hardens as he gathers his things. Maybe he's just overreacting, but it was best to keep an eye on Sasuke while he was away, just in case. It wasn't unusual for frightened children to pull in their chakra on instinct, but that look on his face...

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